Research Activity/ Papers
Publications and Working Papers
- 2023
- Abdul-Salam, Y. (2023). 'Examining the Effect of the UK Oil and Gas Windfall Tax on the Economics of New Fields in the UKCS Province'. Resources Policy, Vol. 88, 104447
- Abdul-Salam, Y., Katris, Antonios (2023). Economic impact of nuclear decommissioning in Scotland. A report commissioned by the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and National Decommissioning Centre (NDC). 20 pages. Accepted/In press
- Singh, Prachi., Chowdhury, Shyamal (2023). Information campaign on arsenic poisoning: Unintended consequences in marriage market. IZA DP No. 16214
- 2022
- Rouaix, A., Phimister, E.,Yiakoumia, D. (2022). 'Evaluating capacity auction design for electricity: An experimental analysis' Energy Economics, Vol. 115, 106370
- Abdul-Salam, Y. (2022). 'An Economic and Policy Case for the Controversial Cambo Field in the UK Continental Shelf'. Resources Policy, Vol. 79, 103070
- de Vries, F., Cason, T., Stranlund, J. (2022). 'Investment Incentives in Tradable Emissions Markets with Price Floors'. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
- Abdul-Salam, Y. (2022). 'Examining the Effect of the UK Oil and Gas Windfall Tax on the Economics of New Fields in the UKCS Province'. Working paper; submitted for peer review
- Kiso, T., Chan, R. H., Arino, Y. (2022). 'Contrasting Effects of Electricity Prices on Retrofit and New-Build Installations of Solar PV: Fukushima as a Natural Experiment'. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 115, 102685
- Abdul-Salam, Y., Kemp, A., Phimister, E. (2022). 'Energy Transition in the UKCS - Modelling the Effects of Carbon Emission Charges on Upstream Petroleum Operations'. Energy Economics (105898)
- Abdul-Salam, Y. (2022). 'A Real Options Analysis of the Effects of Oil Price Uncertainty and Carbon Taxes on the Optimal Timing of Oil Field Decommissioning'. The Energy Journal. Volume 43(6)
- Kemp, A., Acheampong, T. (2022). 'Health, safety and environmental (HSE) regulation and outcomes in the offshore oil and gas industry: Performance review of trends in the United Kingdom Continental Shelf'. Safety Science. Vol. (148) 105634
- Kiso, T. (2022). 'A Subsidy That Is Inversely Related to the Product Price'. Economic Journal. Forthcoming.
- Kiso, T., R. H. Chan & Y. Arino. 'Retrofit and New-Build Installations of Residential Solar PV: Fukushima as a Natural Experiment'. Discussion Papers in Economics and Finance, 21 (5), University of Aberdeen. 2021. (R&R: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
- Nikos Tsakiris and Nikolaos Vlassis. 'A Carbon Leakage Mitigation Reform Strategy: The Role of Border Carbon Adjustments'. Discussion Papers in Economics and Finance, 22 (1), University of Aberdeen. 2022.
- Abdul-Salam, Y. (2022). 'An Assessment of the Economic Viability of the Controversial Cambo Field in the UKCS'. Discussion Papers in Economics and Finance, University of Aberdeen, 2022
- 2021
- Abdul-Salam, Y., Ovando, P., Roberts, D. (2021). 'Understanding the economic barriers to the adoption of agroforestry: A Real Options analysis'. Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 302 (113955)
- Kemp, A., Acheampong, T. (2021). 'What Difference has the Cullen Report made?: Empirical Analysis of Offshore Safety Regulations in the United Kingdom's Oil and Gas Industry'. Energy Policy. Vol. (155) 112354
- de Vries, F., Odam, N. (2020). 'Innovation Modelling and Multi-Factor Learning in Wind Energy Technology'. Energy Economics Vol. 85 (104594)
- Kemp, A., Acheampong, T. (2021). 'An optimisation model for incentivising the development of marginal oil and gas fields amidst increasingly complex ownership patterns: UKCS case study'. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Vol. (207) 109109
- Kemp, A (2021) 'Uncertainty dominates Outlook for UKCS in 2021'. World Oil, vol. 241, No. 12, pp. 41-42
- Abdul-Salam, Y., Kemp, A., Phimister, E. (2021). Unlocking the Economic Viability of Marginal UKCS Discoveries: Optimising Cluster Developments Energy Economics, vol. 95C, 105233
- Kling, G., Volz, U., Murinde, V., Ayas, S. (2021). The impact of climate vulnerability on firms' cost of capital and access to finance. World Development, vol. 137, 105131
- Kemp, A. (2021) 'Prospects for activity in the UKCS after the oil price collapse '. World Oil
- Kemp, A. (2021) 'How will coronavirus affect the UK's oil and gas industry?'. Economics Observatory
- 2020
- Dowie , C & de Bruijn , O 2020 ' A Coding Typology to study dyadic interactions in International Negotiations : Extending the IPA model ' Discussion Papers in Economics and Finance, University of Aberdeen .
- Montagna, C, Pinto, AN & Vlassis, N. 2020, 'Welfare and Trade Effects of International Environmental Agreements', Environmental and Resource Economics, vol 76, pp 331-345
- Sattarhof, C & Gronwald, M 2020 'How to measure financial market efficiency? A quantitative evaluation of higher order dependencies: the case of the European carbon market' Discussion Papers in Economics and Finance, no. 2, vol. 20, University of Aberdeen, pp. 1-24.
- 2019
- Abdul-Salam, Y 2019 'Evaluating the Impact of Brexit on Natural Gas Trade between the UK and the EU: A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis' CEERP Working Paper, Heriot-Watt University
- Hintermann, B & Gronwald, M 2019, 'Linking with Uncertainty: The Relationship Between EU ETS Pollution Permits and Kyoto Offsets', Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 761-784.
- Abdul-Salam, Y & Phimister, E 2019, 'Modelling the impact of market imperfections on farm household investment in stand-alone solar PV systems', World Development, vol. 116, pp. 66-76.
- Abdul-Salam, Y, Hawes, C, Roberts, D & Young, M 2019, 'The economics of alternative crop production systems in the context of farmer participation in carbon trading markets', Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 67-91.
- Kiso T. 2019, 'Environmental Policy and Induced Technological Change: Evidence from Automobile Fuel Economy Regulations'. Environmental and Resource Economics, vol 74, pp 785-810
- Jin, X 2019, 'The Role of Market Expectations in Commodity Price Dynamics: Evidence from Oil Data', Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 90, pp. 1-18.
- Loria, E. L., Watson, V., Kiso, T. & Phimister, E. 2019, 'Investigating users' preferences for Low Emission Buses: Experiences from Europe's largest hydrogen bus fleet'. Journal of Choice Modelling, vol 32, 100169.
- de Vries, F., Cason, T. (2019). 'Dynamic Efficiency in Experimental Emissions Trading Markets with Investment Uncertainty' Environmental and Resource Economics Vol. 73 pp. 1-31
- 2018
- Gronwald, M & Sattarhof, C 2018 'How to Measure Financial Market Efficiency? A Multifractality-Based Quantitative Approach with an Application to the European Carbon Market' Discussion Paper in Economics, no. 5, vol. 18, University of Aberdeen Business School.
- Papadas, CT & Vlassis, N 2018, 'A structural decomposition analysis of the pollution terms of trade', Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 57-68.
- Abdul-Salam, Y 2018, 'A Stochastic Anaerobic Digestion Economic Assessment Tool (SADEAT)', SoftwareX, vol. 7, pp. 190-197.
- Colen, L, Melo, PC, Abdul-Salam, Y, Roberts, D, Mary, S & Gomez Y Paloma, S 2018, 'Income elasticities for food, calories and nutrients across Africa: A meta-analysis', Food Policy, vol. 77, pp. 116-132.
- 2017
- Jin, X 2017, 'Do futures prices help forecast the spot price?', Journal of Futures Markets, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 1205-1225.
- Kiso, T. 2017, 'Evaluating New Policy Instruments of the Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards: Footprint, Credit Transferring, and Credit Trading'. Environmental and Resource Economics. vol 72, pp 445-476.
- Gronwald, M, Long, N & Roepke, L 2017, 'Simultaneous Supplies of Dirty Energy and Capacity Constrained Clean Energy: Is There a Green Paradox?', Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 47-64.
- Vinten, A, Sample, J, Ibiyemi, A, Abdul-Salam, Y & Stutter, M 2017, 'A tool for cost-effectiveness analysis of field scale sediment-bound phosphorus mitigation measures and application to analysis of spatial and temporal targeting in the Lunan Water catchment, Scotland', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 586, pp. 631-641.
- Abdul-Salam, Y, Ehlers, M-H & Harnmeijer, J 2017, 'Anaerobic digestion of feedstock grown on marginal land: Break-even electricity prices', Energies, vol. 10, no. 9, 1416
- Abdul-Salam, Y & Phimister, E 2017, 'Efficiency Effects of Access to Information on Small-scale Agriculture: Empirical Evidence from Uganda using Stochastic Frontier and IRT Models', Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 494-517.
- 2016
- de Vries, F., Hanley, N. (2016) 'Incentive-Based Policy Design for Pollution Control and Biodiversity Conservation: A Review'. Environmental and Resource Economics Vol. 63, pp. 687-702
- Abdul-Salam, Y. & Phimister, E. (2016). 'The Politico-Economics of Electricity Planning in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Ghana'. Energy Policy, vol 88, pp. 299-309.
- Vlassis, N 2016, 'Tariff reforms in the presence of pollution', Agricultural Economics Review, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 1-25.
- Abdul-Salam, Y. & Phimister, E. (2016). 'How effective are heuristic solutions for electricity planning in developing countries'. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, vol 55, pp. 14-24.
- Gronwald, M. & Hintermann, B. (2016). 'Explaining the EUA-CER Spread'. CESifo Group.
- Jin, X. (2016). 'The Role of Expectations in Commodity Price Dynamics and the Commodity Demand Elasticity: Evidence from Oil Data'. Discussion Paper in Economics, no. 10, vol. 16, University of Aberdeen Business School.
- Gronwald, M 2016, 'Explosive oil prices', Energy Economics, vol. 60, pp. 1-5.
- Jin, X. (2016). 'Does the Future Price Help Forecast the Spot Price? '. Discussion Paper in Economics, no. 8, vol. 16, University of Aberdeen Business School, Aberdeen.
- Kiso, T. (2016). 'Environmental Policy and Induced Technological Change: Evidence from Automobile Fuel Economy Regulations'. Discussion Paper in Economics, no. 11, vol. 16, University of Aberdeen Business School.
- Abdul-Salam, Y & Phimister, E 2016, 'How effective are heuristic solutions for electricity planning in developing countries', Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, vol. 55, pp. 14-24.
- 2015
- Gronwald, M., Long, NV. & Röpke, L. (2015). 'Simultaneous Supplies of Dirty and Green Fuels with Capacity Constraints: Is there a Green Paradox?'. Discussion Paper in Economics, no. 18, vol. 15, University of Aberdeen Business School.
- Kiso, T. (2015). 'Pricing Automobile Fuel Economy: A New Hedonic Approach'. Discussion Paper in Economics, no. 19, vol. 15, University of Aberdeen Business School, Aberdeen.
- Kiso, T. (2015). 'Evaluating New Policy Instruments of the Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards: Footprints, Credit Transferring and Credit Trading'. Discussion Paper in Economics, no. 21, vol. 15, University of Aberdeen Business School, Aberdeen.
- Roberts, D., Vera-Toscano, E. & Phimister, E. (2015). 'Fuel poverty in the UK: Is there a difference between rural and urban areas?'. Energy Policy, vol 87, pp. 216-223.
- Smith, JU., Fischer, A., Hallett, PD., Homans, HY., Smith, P., Abdul-Salam, Y., Emmerling, HH. & Phimister, EC. (2015). 'Sustainable use of organic resources for bioenergy, food and water provision in rural Sub-Saharan Africa'. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol 50, pp. 903-917
- Phimister, EC., Vera-Toscano, E. & Roberts, DJ. (2015). 'The Dynamics of Energy Poverty: Evidence from Spain'. Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, vol 4, no. 1, pp. 153-166.
- Smith, JU, Fischer, A, Hallett, PD, Homans, HY, Smith, P, Abdul-Salam, Y, Emmerling, HH & Phimister, EC 2015, 'Sustainable use of organic resources for bioenergy, food and water provision in rural Sub-Saharan Africa', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 50, pp. 903-917.
- Vlassis, N. (2015). 'Pareto-Efficient Climate and Trade Policies in the Presence of Non-Tradeable Goods'. Discussion Paper in Economics, no. 8, vol. 15, University of Aberdeen Business School.
- Rouaix, A, Figuières, C & Willinger, M 2015, 'The trade-off between welfare and equality in a public good experiment', Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 601-623.
- de Vries, F., Dijkstra, B., McGinty, M. (2014). ' On Emissions Trading and Market Structure: Cap-and-Trade versus Intensity Standards' Environmental and Resource Economics Vol. 58, pp. 665-682
- 2013
- Gronwald, M. (2013). 'Explosive Oil Prices'. CESifo Group.
- Vlassis, N. (2013). 'The welfare consequences of pollution-tax harmonization'. Environmental and Resource Economics, vol 56, no. 2, pp. 227-238.
- Maurice, J, Rouaix, A & Willinger, M (2013), 'Income Redistribution and Public Good Provision: An Experiment', International Economic Review, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 957-975
- de Vries, F., Dekker, T., Vollebergh, H., Withagen, C. (2012). 'Inciting Protocols' Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Vol. 64, pp. 45-67