Page 1 of 11 to 4 of 4 Events
BUSINESS SCHOOL RESEARCH SEMINAR: Does Partial Randomization Encourage or Discourage Participation? Theory And Evidence
-The seminar will be held in Edward Wright S86 and Online via MS Teams on March 12th from 3pm - 4:15pm (contact: for link). Join Dr Tugce Cuhadaroglu, Lecturer in Economics at University of St Andrews Business School. Dr Cuhadaroglu is an economic theorist and her research fields are broadly Decision Theory...
15th Colloquium on Qualitative Research Methods in Business and Accounting
-Hosted by the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, the Colloquium provides two days of focused expert-led presentations and workshops on qualitative research methods in business and accounting. The Colloquium is convened and delivered by Research Professor Lee Parker (University of Glasgow, Scotland), Professor Audrey Paterson (University of Aberdeen, Scotland) and selected international research professors (Ivo de...
-The seminar will be held the Edward Wright Annex G04 and Online via MS Teams on March 19th from 3pm - 4:15pm (contact: for link). Join Dr Dong Yan, an Associate Professor of Finance at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Abstract: This paper provides empirical evidence of information contagion in equity analysts’ stock...
BUSINESS SCHOOL RESEARCH SEMINAR: E-government and corporate tax planning: International evidence
-The seminar will be held the MacRobert 314 and Online via MS Teams on April 30th from 3pm - 4:15pm (contact: for link). Join Dr Panagiotis Karavitis, Senior Lecturer in Accounting & Finance at Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow. Dr Karavitis’s research fields are international corporate taxation, multinationals' profit shifting,...