Orchestrating a Cooperative Economy Platform as a Solution to Economic Inequality

Orchestrating a Cooperative Economy Platform as a Solution to Economic Inequality

This is a past event

Join Dovev Lavie, for an interesting seminar session.

Dovev Lavie is a Professor of Management at Bocconi University (PhD from the Wharton School). Lavie is a Sloan Industry Studies Fellow, a recipient of the Strategic Management Society's Emerging Scholar Award, and winner of the INFORMS TMS Best Dissertation Award and the AOM Newman Award. His research interests include the cooperative economy as a solution to societal grand challenges, alliance portfolios, and the balancing of exploration and exploitation. His work has been published in leading journals such as SMJ,ASQ,AMR, AMJ,and Org.Science. Lavie has served as an Associate Editor at AMJ and SMJ and on the SMS Board.

Dov Lavie
Hosted by
University of Aberdeen Business School
The Sir Duncan Rice Library room 224