Rowett-Inra 2018 | Gut Microbiology-No longer the forgotten organ

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Rowett-Inra 2018 | Gut Microbiology-No longer the forgotten organ


The Rowett-INRA 2018 Symposium on Gut Microbiology: No longer the forgotten organ was the 11th Joint Symposium organised by The Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen, Scotland and the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Clermont-Ferrand-Theix, France with Professional Conference Organising (PCO) Services by CPD Services, University of Aberdeen. The conference is hosted on a rotational basis between Claremont Ferrand, France and Aberdeen, Scotland.

The overall aim of the conference series is to promote understanding of the role of the complex microbial ecosystems present in the digestive tract of humans and animals in maintaining health of the host.

The conference consisted of 9 invited talks, 21 offered talks and 96 poster presentations which ran alongside the conference as well as a pre-conference workshop from the Rumen Microbial Genomics (RMG) Network and a post-conference Retirement Symposium for Bryan White.

The programme of events included a welcome reception as well as the full scientific programme being held at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC), with a Scottish Ceilidh at The Beach Ballroom and Gala Dinner and Scottish Pipe Band at The Chester Hotel.

The conference was well attended and attracted 183 delegates to Aberdeen, 40% of delegates were from the UK, 29% of delegates from European countries and 31% of participants were from the rest of the world.

Plenary Speaker- Professor Emily Balskus, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA

Plenary Speaker- Professor Emily Balskus, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA

Professor Balskus presenting 'Deciphering the Human Microbiota using Chemistry' to the Rowett-INRA 2018 delegates.

Ceilidh at Beach Ballroom

Ceilidh at Beach Ballroom

Delegates learning traditional Scottish Ceilidh dancing at the Beach Ballroom

Rowett-INRA Symposium 2018

Rowett-INRA Symposium 2018

Delegates networking at the poster sessions

Rowett-INRA Symposium 2018

Rowett-INRA Symposium 2018

Silver Sponsor-Don Whitley Scientific

Rowett-INRA Symposium 2018

Rowett-INRA Symposium 2018

Scottish Pipers piping delegates into the Gala Dinner at The Chester Hotel