Conference of European University Chaplains (CEUC) 2017
Delegate photo at CEUC 2017
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The Conference of European University Chaplains (CEUC) came to Aberdeen in the Summer of 2017. The conference chair, Rev David Hutchison, was delighted Aberdeen had been chosen as the host city with various members of the organising committee based across Europe. The conference was very well received, attracting over 80 delegates from across Europe.
The theme of CEUC 2017 was Rock and Oil; the hard and smooth of chaplaincy work today. Two keynote lectures were given on the Tuesday; thew first from Dr Kirstin Aune from Coventry University titled The opportunities and challenges of university chaplaincy in the UK: findings from the Chaplains on Campus project and the other by Rev Prof Tom Greggs, from the University of Aberdeen, titled Holy for God, wholly for others: Chaplaincy as Sharing in the Sacrificial Priesthood of Christ. A keynote was also delivered by Dr Liam Waldron, from Robert Gordon University on the Thursday morning; all keynote lectures were followed on with reflection groups and workshops.
A trip to Robert Gordon University campus took place on the Wednesday morning, visiting Principal Prof Ferdinand von Prondzynski prior to a visit to Meldrum House hotel for lunch, followed by a choice of two different excursions to Glen Garioch Distillery or Fyvie Castle. The event included a Principal's reception on Monday evening at Hillhead AUSA Food Court, dinner at the same venue on Tuesday evening which included optional whisky tasting and a European Market, and a conference dinner and ceilidh at the town House in Aberdeen on Thursday evening following a Civic Reception. Most delegates were housed at Hillhead Halls of Residence.