Advanced Course in Dietary Assessment Methods

Continuing Professional Development

Development, training and events

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Advanced Course in Dietary Assessment Methods

This is a past event

This is an intensive course covering advanced dietary assessment methods has strictly limited numbers to ensure a high level of interaction and individual attention. If required this course can be preceded by the Introductory Course in Dietary Assessment Methods offered on 25 May 2015.

Benefits of Attending

The courses will broaden your knowledge in techniques of dietary assessment to enable you to make a more informed decision as to which is the appropriate tool for your needs either in a research context or in dealing direct with clients.

Attending will also enable you to fully interpret dietary data, taking into account the strengths and limitations of the different assessment techniques.

Who are the Courses For?

The courses are aimed at anyone with an interest in dietary assessment methods who has some background in dietetics or nutrition.

The introductory course is intended for those who have limited experience in the field of dietary assessment or who may have trained some time ago and wish to refresh their knowledge prior to the advanced course.

The Sir Duncan Rice Library

CPD Services, Research and Innovation Room 28, University Office, University of Aberdeen, King's College, Aberdeen AB24 3FX

Tel: +44 (0)1224 272523 Email: Web: