"Capabilities" Symposium

Continuing Professional Development

Development, training and events

Customised development, training and events for businesses of every size and scope

"Capabilities" Symposium

This is a past event

This internal symposium will bring together speakers from SMMSN and other parts of the University to come together and discuss possible collaboration.

This symposium will be held on Friday 13th March, 2020 (09:30-17:00). The format would be to have a short (5 min) presentations that cover:

  1. Your research area
  2. The research expertise in your group
  3. The research facilities available in your lab
  4. Any resources available that could be valuable to the research community e.g. culture collection, animal model or libraries of compounds
  5. Finally the kind of collaboration you are looking for.

There will be plenty of time for networking and discussions and refreshments and lunch is included. 

The event programme can be viewed here 

Level 7 Conference Room-Institute of Medical Sciences

**Registration closing 7th March 2020**

For information contact:
Wael Houssen