Bayesian integrated population modeling (IPM) course Aberdeen 2018

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Bayesian integrated population modeling (IPM) course Aberdeen 2018

This is a past event

Intermediate-level workshop
Bayesian integrated population modeling (IPM) using JAGS and BUGS

This course is a practical and hands-on introduction to developing and fitting integrated population models using BUGS software. It is based on the successful book by Kéry & Schaub, Bayesian Population Analysis using WinBUGS (Academic Press, 2012), which will be handed out as part of the course.Beyond IPMs, the course also provides an in-depth introduction for ecologists and wildlife managers to a wide variety of models fit using BUGS software and as documented in the BPA book.

For further information, click here.

MacRobert Building

Mrs Julie Dixon
CPD Services
University of Aberdeen
+44 (0) 1224 272523