ACEMAC Nano Scale Electron Microscopy and Analysis Facility

ACEMAC Nano Scale Electron Microscopy and Analysis Facility

ACEMAC Nano scale electron microscopy and analysis facility

Aberdeen Centre for Electron Microscopy, Analysis and Characterisation (ACEMAC) is a facility open to users from across the university and beyond, housed in Meston Building Room 028A (King's College, Old Aberdeen campus) and is based around a Carl Zeiss GeminiSEM 300 - high resolution Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) with SE (secondary electron), BSE (backscattered electron) and CL (cathodoluminescence) detectors. The GeminiSEM 300 can be operated in both high vacuum and variable pressure modes, enabling imaging of a wide variety of sample types, from steel to rocks to biological cells.

The SEM is equipped with Oxford Instruments EDS (AZtec energy) and EBSD (AZtecHKL) analytical systems.

Acknowledging the Facility

It is important that you mention the facility in the acknowledgements section of any posters or papers you publish where you have used facility equipment. A sample phrase you could use would be "Electron Microscopy was performed in the ACEMAC Facility at the University of Aberdeen".

We also ask that you consider how much use you have made of staff time. If this goes beyond basic training and support please consider whether to acknowledge the staff member(s) by name or even include them as (a) co-author(s) as appropriate.