Folio 108r
Devotions to the Virgin Mary, continued.
Hymn, Salve sancta mater dei, continued.
... while a crowd of those who dwelt there assembled to witness the event. Joyfully she saw gifts from heaven distributed as her son had promised; she saw the spirit sent from heaven in tongues of fire. She was received in heaven, not just in the spirit but physically; there she is surpassed in importance only by him who once came down to earth in her womb, the glory of God made flesh. She is the light of heaven, bringing light to the whole world, which she sees restored through her, while - prostrate - it glories in her. The author asks the Virgin to deliver us, imprisoned below; to help those who believe in her and devoutly list the gifts given to her. He asks her, who alone brings hope to the wretched, oppressed in the vale of servitude, to aid them, replenishing from her bounty those who languish in need. Finally the author asks that she will love him and make him worthy of her love. He asks that he may no longer love other things; that the scent of her may draw him to her, that her grace may inflame him; he asks that he may thus be preserved against weakness and that she may give him with the kindness of a nurse the desire of heavenly glory.
ba teste Salve gaudens contem\plata Salve celitus assumpta Salve iubar singularem [singulare] Salve virgo tam sublimis\ Salve sola spes salutis hoc in fine matri oro cessant <cessent> alii amores
civium celestium.
de supernis destinata
munera discipunt [discipulis]\
iuxta filii promissum
spiritum de celis missum
igne\is in linguis <igniferis>.
non\ mens <manens> sola sed assumpta <sumta>
corporis substancia,
ubi\ sola te transcendit <ubi solium conscendit>
olim in te qui descendit
incar\nati <incarnata> gloria.
celi summi\ luminare
toti mundo radians,
universum re\stauratum
per te videns et subtratum [substratum]
tibi dig\ne glorians.
carceratos nos in ymis
tua prece libera,
in te\ iuva confidentes
et devote recensentes
data ti\bi <tua sancta> munera.
nos in\ valle servitutis
pressos tot miseriis,
iuva\ sua [pia] potestate <pietate>
tabescentes egestate
tuis reple\ copiis <gaudiis>
votis totis hoc\ imploro
virginum piissima <purissima>.
A me diligi dig\nare
et me digne fac amare
te virgo dulcis\sima <dilectissima>,
tui trahunt <trahant> me o\dores <dulcores>
et incendat [incendant] gracie,
hoc te timeat [detinear] languo\re
hoc nutricis [nutriri] da dulcore
ad optentum [optatum] glorie. Amen.\
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