Folio 89r
Devotions to the Virgin Mary, continued.
Prayer, O intemerata ... Da, continued.
The author, through these sins, has become lost to heaven and the company of the elect; each time he has sinned against the Virgin's son, he has filled the devil with glee; and on every occasion it was done through his own most grievous fault. He asks the Virgin to seek from Christ forgiveness for his sins; that through her intercession, his mind may be enlightened with Christ's grace and fired with his love; that he may worship the Holy Trinity, love and fear Christ above all things, and cleave steadfastly to him; that he may keep God's commandments on earth, imitate Christ's passion and his patience, abound in good works, despise worldly fortune ...
et in aliis multis peccatis quibus peccavi seu ali\os peccare feci mea culpa, mea gravis\sima culpa. In hiis peccatis perdidi regnum ce\lorum, et societatem electorum, et tociens quociens\ offendi piissimum filium tuum tociens letificavi\ demones pessimos et merui eterna supplicia.\ Tocius mea culpa mea culpa mea gravissima\ culpa. Ideo te precor dei genitrix et perpetua virgo\ Maria ut tu michi impetres indulgenciam et re\missionem omnium peccatorum istorum et aliorum quecumque\ feci ab ipso filio tuo a quo bona cuncta procedunt.\ Qui eciam illuminat omnem hominem veni\entem in hunc mundum. Fac ut ipse illumi\net mentem meam lumine gracie sue inflammans\ eam igne suavissimi amoris sui, et faciat\ me seipsum cum patre et spiritu sancto unun [unum] solum deum\ verum adorare in spiritu et veritate teipsum [seipsum] super\ omnia diligere timere et eidem firmiter adhere\re sua mandata custodire in terris suam sanctam\ passionem et suam pacienciam imitari bonis\ operibus habundare prospera mundi despicere,\
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