Folio 64v
Fifteen prayers ('The Fifteen Os') of St Bridget, continued
Prayer, O Ihesu abyssus, continued.
St Bridget asks that Christ should raise her from the sin in which she is immersed and hide her deep in his wounds until his anger has passed..
sum in peccatis emergas et abscondas in foram\inibus vulnerum tuorum a facie ire tue donec pertran\seat furor tuus, domine. Amen.
Pater noster.
Prayer, O Ihesu veritatis.
The twelfth of fifteen prayers of St Bridget to Jesus Christ (Oratio xii, HE, p 79). She invokes the many wounds inflicted upon him on the cross and the blood which stained his body, and asks that he may inscribe his wounds, in blood, on her heart, that she may read in them his pain and love, and persevere in acts of grace until the end of her life.
O Ihesu veritatis speculum unitatis sig\num caritatis vinculum genus\ deificum. Memento innumerabi\lium vulnerum tuorum multitudinem quibus a sum\mo capitis usque ad ymum pedis <vulneratus fuisti, et> ab impiis Iu\deis laceratus fuisti et sanctissimo sanguine\ tuo rubricatus es quam magnitudinem vul\nerum tuorum ex magna amore <doloris> in virginea\ tua carne ut agnus pertulisti pro nobis pie\ Ihesu quid ultra debuisti facere quod non fecisti\ scribe queso pie Ihesu omnia vulnera tua in cor\de meo preciosissimo sanguine tuo ut in illis\ legam tuum dolorem et amorem ut in graciarum\ accione usque in finem vite mee iugiter perseverim [perseverem].\
Pater noster.
Prayer, O Ihesu leo.
The thirteenth of fifteen prayers of St Bridget to Jesus Christ (Oratio xiii, HE, p 79). She invokes the memory of his suffering on the cross when his physical and spiritual strength was exhausted.
O Ihesu leo fortissime\ rex immortalis et invictissime Me\mento doloris quem passus es cum omnes\ vires cordis et corporis tui penitus defecerunt\
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