Folio 61r

Fifteen prayers ('The Fifteen Os') of St Bridget, continued.

Introduction to the prayer, O Ihesu Christi eterna, continued.

... my piety will convert that penalty to a temporal one and will deliver him from sudden death and perpetual punishment'. As often as he says this prayer, he will merit the favour of Jesus Christ and forty days indulgence. In honour of the wounds of Christ, who redeemed our human nature by the blood of his cross, let heartfelt devotion be kindled by the recitation of this devotion.

Burnet Psalter image. � Aberdeen University Library 1998.

Hanc purgatorii penam mea pietas in temporalem\ penam huius mundi mutabit a subitaneaque mor\te et a perpetua pena eum liberabit. Quociens vero\ hanc oracionem dixerit benevolenciam Christi Ihesu promerebitur, et xl dies indulgencie consequetur. In acer\bissime igitur passionis Christi memoriam et multiplicium\ suorum vulnerum veneracionem debitam humane men\tem [mentis] accendatur devocio precordialis nostre nature eri\gatur affectio. Istam dicendo devocionem in eius\ vulnerum laude cuius erat in cruce precioso redempta cru\ore. Qui vivit et regnat deus.\

Prayer, O Ihesu Christe eterna.

The first of fifteen prayers of St Bridget to Jesus Christ (Oratio prima, HE, p 76). She invokes the memory of his mortal thoughts and sorrows at the time of his passion.

O Ihesu Christe eterna dulce\do te amancium iubi\lus excedens omne\ gaudium et omne\ desiderium salus et\ amator peccatorum qui\ delicias tuas testatus\ es esse cum filiis hominum\ propter hominem homo factus es in fine temporum.\ <Memento> omnis premeditacionis et <intimi> meroris quem in huma-\

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