Folio 97r - Primus lapis in fundamento muri est Jaspis; The first stone in the foundation of the wall is jasper. Secundus Saphirus; The second, sapphire. Tercius Calcedonius; The third, chalcedony
are called foundations, because by foundations are meant virtues. For this reason when the stone is said to be a foundation, it should be interpreted as a decoration of the foundation. John says, therefore: The first stone in the foundation of the wall is jasper. The first foundation, that is, the adornment of the first foundation, is jasper, that is, faith ever green, strengthening the sight, but whether it be faith in one's country or in the Church triumphant, which is in question here, does not primarily occur except to those coming to the Church; through it there will be entry to the aforesaid city, while he who does not have it will not be able to enter. Verse Jasper is said to have seventeen species. It is also known to be of many colours. It is said to come from many regions of the world. The best is a translucent green in colour. It is shown to have more virtues than any other. The second, sapphire The second, that is, the second foundation, that is, the second decoration of the foundation, is sapphire. Its colour is similar to that of a clear sky; struck by the rays of the sun, it sends forth, burning, a flash of lightning, signifying the hope by which we are carried off to heaven; through it we are fired with a love of heavenly things, disdaining love of the present world, so that we can truly say with the apostle: 'Our conversation is in heaven' (Philippians, 3:20); 'I will lay thy foundations with sapphires' (Isaiah, 54:11). Verse The image of the sapphire is most fitting for the fingers of kings. It shines in an outstanding way and resembles most a clear sky. The power of nature has endowed it with such honour that it is called sacred and deservedly the gemstone of gemstones. The third, chalcedony
Folio 97r - Primus lapis in fundamento muri est Jaspis; The first stone in the foundation of the wall is jasper. Secundus Saphirus; The second, sapphire. Tercius Calcedonius; The third, chalcedony | The Aberdeen Bestiary | The University of Aberdeen