Folio 5v - Omnibus animantibus/Adam names all living things
Adam was the first to provide words for all living things, naming each one in conformity with the existing order according to its function in nature. The races of man later named each animal in their own languages; But Adam named them not in Latin or Greek, nor in the languages of any barbarian races, but in the language which before the Flood was universal, which is called Hebrew.
In Latin they are called animalia, animals, or animantia, living things, because they are animated by life and activated by the breath of life.
Quadrupedia, quadrupeds, are so called because they go on quatuor pedes, four feet. Although they are like cattle, quadrupeds - deer, fallow deer, wild asses and others - are not in man's charge. They are not, however, wild beasts, like lions; nor beasts of burden, serving the needs of man.
We call pecus, cattle, anything which lacks human speech or appearance. Strictly speaking, the name is usually applied to those animals which are suitable for food, like sheep and pigs, or for use by men, like horses and oxen. Moreover, there is a difference between pecora, cattle, and pecudes, cattle raised for meat. For people long ago used pecora to mean all animals; but pecudes are animals which are eaten - pecu-ed-es, 'cattle for eating'. Generally, all animals are called pecus from pascendum, 'put to pasture'.
Iumenta have taken their name from the fact that they assist us with our work or burdens by their help in carrying or ploughing. For the ox draws the waggon and turns with the ploughshare the heaviest clods of earth. The horse and ass carry loads and ease man's toil on foot. So they are called iumenta because they help people with their burdens, for they are animals of great strength.
In the same way armenta are so called because they are suitable for arms - that is, for war - or because we use them in arms. Others understand by armenta, oxen, from arandum, 'ploughing' - aramenta, as it were; or because they are armed with horns. But there is a distinction between armenta and greges . Armenta are herds of horses and oxen; greges, flocks of goats and sheep.