Folio 43r - the ostrich, continued.
do not avoid the commotion caused by the wicked, yet are still fired with zeal for heavenly things. From this we see that many, as we said, are warm, though they live in the cold; for some, surrounded by the sluggish ways of the earthbound, glow with desire of heavenly hope.
How is it that those surrounded by the cold-hearted are warmed, if not because Almighty God knows to warm the neglected eggs even when they are left in the dust, and having dispelled the numbness originally caused by the cold, animates them with the spirit of life, so that far from lying motionless here below, they are turned into living beings capable of flight, raising themselves up towards heavenly things by contemplation, that is, by flying?
Note that these words condemn not only the evil of hypocrites but are also intended to check the pride of righteous teachers, if it should creep out. For when the Lord says that it is he who warms the neglected eggs in the dust, he shows plainly that he acts inwardly through the words of the teacher, even though he can, without any man's words, warm those whom he wishes, as they lie in the cold of the dust. It is as if he says plainly to the teachers: 'So that you should be in no doubt that I am he who works through you when you speak - behold, if I wish, I can also speak to the hearts of men without you.'
The teachers, humbled in their thoughts, focus their words on the hypocrite, showing how the folly of his sluggishness can be very fully shown by the behaviour of the ostrich. For the text continues: 'The ostrich forgets that a foot may crush its eggs or a beast of the field trample on them' (see NEB, Job, 39:15).
What is to be understood by the foot, if not the passage of everyday life? What is signified by the field, if not the world? On this subject, the Lord says in the Gospel: 'The field is the world' (Matthew, 13:38). What is represented in the beasts if not the ancient enemy, who plots the plunder of the world and gluts himself daily on human death? On this, the prophet promises: 'Nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon' (Isaiah, 35:9).
Thus, as the ostrich, deserting its eggs, forgets that they may be trampled underfoot, it is evident that hypocrites abandon the young they have produced as they associate with men and care nothing for them, lest they should fail to undo the examples of evil either by dutifully encouraging or vigilantly teaching the young they have abandoned. If they loved the eggs they bear, there is no doubt that they would fear lest anyone should by the example of bad works