Folio 100r - Duodecimum Amatistus; The twelfth, amethyst. De effectu lapidum; Of stones and what they can do.
This stone, placed in the mouth, proves to be colder than others. It is very hard and resists cutting or engraving. But it can be marked by a fragment of diamond. The twelfth, amethyst The twelfth foundation is amethyst. Isidorus says of it: Among purple stones, the Indian amethyst holds first position; it is, indeed, purple but of mixed coloration, giving forth violet and rose-coloured lights; it is easy to engrave. For this reason the humility of the saints is signified by it; associated with humility is obedience, as Ambrose says: 'Humility is small, like the violet, beautiful like the rose, easy to apply to all things'; or: 'They are like burning flames, looking at love'. For humility is acceptable to everyone, even to our enemies; as pride, in contrast, is viewed by everyone with detestation, as it says in Ecclesiasticus, 15: 'Pride is hateful before God and men' (see 10: 7). For this reason the amethyst is placed in the final position, as if watching over all, and as if humility always reckons itself the least and always takes the last place. In this context, Gregory: 'He who assembles in himself the other virtues without humility is like one who carries dust in the wind. Also Paul: 'He who is modest, that is to be understood as humble, deserves to possess the tenth place.' Of stones and what they can do The diamond is amongst all stones the hardest, cutting all other precious stones; it likes to be set in steel; it does not wish to be given away; and it will not allow the goods of him who possesses it to be divided. 2 The ruby has the virtue of all precious stones, that if it is washed in water and that water is then given to the sick who are thirsty, they grow well if each one is according to his nature virtuous. 3 The smaragdus refreshes the eyes; it cheers the body of him who looks upon it; and
Folio 100r - Duodecimum Amatistus; The twelfth, amethyst. De effectu lapidum; Of stones and what they can do. | The Aberdeen Bestiary | The University of Aberdeen