Folio 58v - the crow, continued. De cigno; Of the swan

Folio 59r - the swan, continued. De anatibus; Of the duck

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The swan is totally white and has a wonderfully melodious voice.


The animal depicted is the mute swan.


The characteristic knob at the base of the beak should be black instead of white as shown here. The white paint is covered with a thick coat of glair (made from egg white) which gives the feathers a luxurious sheen. Initial type 2.



The swan sings sweetly when it dies. It may be plucked and roasted. Ducks are constantly swimming.


The ducks are shown not swimming but on land. They are multi-coloured and include the green and brown mallard.


There is pouncing all around the illustration.Prick marks from the peacock illustration on f. 59v are visible just above the ducks. Initial indicator 'a' in right margin. The folio mark (which should be 'CCC') is missing. Initial type 2.