
In this section
ME2014 - Basic Medical Sciences
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Professor Heys and Dr Mclay (Deputy)


This is a graduate entry programme with entrants possessing honours degrees in medical sciences or equivalent.




Students will join the MBChB class for some Year 1 and Year 2 timetabled sessions and will have other PA focussed teaching in seminars, problem-based and case-based learning together with e-learning delivery of key topics or special practical based sessions.


There is timetabled teaching every week. A typical week could include 18 one hour lectures, a two hour practical anatomy or self directed learning session or case presentation. There is also a weekly tutorial with the programme leader to discuss the week's learning activities.


1 two hour MCQ examination
A class certificate will normally be refused in the following circumstances;
Absent from teaching sessions withoug good cause being reported.
Failure to complete a piece of in-course assessment by the stated deadline.

ME2015 - Foundations of Clinical Method
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Professor Heys and Dr Mclay (Deputy)


This is a graduate entry programme with entrants possessing honours degrees in biomedical sciences or equivalent




Restricted to students registered for the PG Diploma in Physician Assistant Studies


Introduction to clinical communication, the patient perspective on healthcare and the consultation, working with colleagues, what's it like to be a patient, history taking, stucture of a patient clerking, presenting complaint, history of presenting complaint, past medical history, drug allergies, family history, social history and systematic enquiry, initiating the consultation.

Introduction to clinical examination, practise clinical examination skills on volunteer patients, undertake initial assessment of patients, undertake the cleanliness champions programme and follow the NHS Grampian Hand Washing procedure, Identification, Consent, General Inspection of the patient. Examination of the hand, arms, face, lymph nodes, anterior chest, lower limbs, closing the examination

Document findings.


One three hour clinical method taught sessions in the clinical skills centre per week. Each student will also undertake a First Aid course (12 hours) and will have additional time in the clinical skills centre and on wards for practise of the skills each week (six hours per week). Videos and other e learning available to support this.


One Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in January.
A class certificate will normally be refused in the following circumstances;
Absent from teaching sessions without good cause being reported.
Failure to complete a piece of in-course assessment by the stated deadline

ME3501 - Clinical Method (Intermediate)
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Professor Heys and Dr Mclay (Deputy)


This is a graduate entry programme with entrants possessing honours degrees in medical sciences or equivalent




Restricted to students registered for the PG Diploma in Physician Assistant Studies


Structuring a patient clerking, gathering information, questioning styles, non-verbal communication, active listening, summarising and closing, intriduction to the Physical Examination.
Documenting a patient clerking.
Practising with Systems based scenarios.
Clinical examinaiton skills requried for the different body systems.
Proceduaral skills required for the stystems.
Moving and Handling


One three hour clinical method taught session in the clinical skills centre per week.
Additonal time in the clinical skills centre and on wards for practise of the skills each week (six hours per week)
DVD's and other e learning available to support each of the systems.
Models and other simulation equipment also available to support this teaching.


One Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in June.
A class certificate will normally be refused in the following circumstances;
Absent from the course teaching sessions without good cause being reported.
Failure to complete a piece of in-course assessment by the stated deadline.

ME3502 - Foundations of Clinical Medicine
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Professor Heys and Dr Mclay (Deputy)


This is a graduate entry programme with entrancts possessing honours degrees in medical sciences or equivalent.




Rerstricted to students registered for the PG Diploma in Physician Assistant Studies


Students will join the MBChB class for some Year 1, 2 and 3 timetabled sessions and will have other PA focused teaching in seminars, problem-based and case-based learning together with some e-learnig for key topics or speicla practical based sessions including some anatomy and radiology.


The systems begin wtih Respiratory and cardiovascular, with GI, Neurogolgy and Diabetes, Thyroid, Renal, Haematology, Psychiatry, Reproductive, Infection, Musculoskeletal. This is followed by teaching on Clincial Effectiveness and Medical Ethics and Law.
A typical week could include 18 one hour lectures, a two hour practical anatomy for self directed learning session and a two hour case based learning session or case presentation. There is also a weekly tutorial with the programme leader to discuss the weeks's learning activities.


1 two hour MCQ examination.
A class certificate will normally be refused in the following circumstances;
Absent from the course teaching sessions without good cause being reported.
Failure to complete a piece of in-course assessment by the stated deadline.

ME4901 - Clinical Placements A (Rotations 1,2,3)
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Professor Heys and Dr Mclay (Deputy)


This is a graduate entry programme with entrants possessing honours degrees in medical sciences or equivalent




Restricted to students registered for the PG Diploma in Physician Assistant Studies


The course is delivered as ward based clinical placements under the supervision of a named consultant. In addition students are required to undertake formal elements of core teaching as available to final year MBChB students (Level 5) such as Acute Medicine, Critical Care, Sim Man sessions, Patient Safety, Prescribing and Radiology


The course will comprise a rotation of 11 systems and speciality based placements, for example reproductive and endocrine, Community Medicine, Medicine for the Elderly.

In each rotation teaching will be on the wards, with bedside teaching and students will gain clinical experience in a multi-professional working environment. They will be involved in clerking patients and carrying out appropriate clinical procedural skills in the clinical environment. Time will also be spent in out-patient clinics as well as tutorial teaching in small groups. During each four week block stduents will undertake a series fo formative assessments in the clinical environment such as case based discussions, demonstration of competency in procedural skills (DOPS) and mini clinical examinations (mini-CEX). Students will also complete a written reflective portfolio of their clinical learning.

This course represents the first three rotations which occur towards the end of year 1 of the programme. It is at level 4 to reflect the competencies that will be expected to show at this stage of their training.


Summative assessment of these blocks does not occur until the end of year 2.
A class certificate will normally be refused in the following circumstances;
Absent from the course teaching sessions without good cause being reported.
Failure to complete a piece of in-course assessment by the stated deadline.

ME5008 - Clinical Placements B (Rotation 4-11)
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Professor Heys and Dr Mclay (Deputy)


This is a graduate entry programme with entrants possessing honours degrees in medical sciences or equivalent.




Restricted to students registered for the PG Diploma in Physician Assistant Studies


The course is delivered as ward based clinical placements under the supervision of a named consultant. In addition students are required to undertake formal elements of core teaching as available to final year MBChB students (level 5) such as Acute Medicine, Critical Care, Sim Man Sessions, Patient Safety, Prescribing and Radiology.


The course will comprise a rotation of 11 systems and specialilty based placements, for example reproductive and endocrine, Community Medicine, Medicine for the Elderly.

In each rotation teaching will be on the wards, with bedside teaching and students will gain experience of clerking patients and carrying out appropriate clinical procedural skills in the clincal environment. Time will also be spent in out-patient clinics as well as tutorial teaching in small groups. At the end of each four week block students will have reached level 5 and will undertake a series of formative assessments in the clinical environment such as case based discussions, demonstation of competency in procedural skills (DOPS), mini clincal examinations (mini-CEX). Students will also be taught how to become a reflective practitioner through completion of a written reflective portfolio of their clinical learning.

This course represents the fouth to eleventh of the rotations which occur in year 2 of the programme. It is at level 5 to reflect the clinical competencies that they will be expected to show at this stage of their training and the integration of theoretical and clinical learning.


Summative assessment of these blocks occurs at the end of the last rotation, rotation 11 in week 3. The assessment format used mirrors that of the National Assessment and is composed of Single Best Answer questions which integrate theoretical and clinical learning. This assessment format follows best practise laid down by the American Board of Medical Educators and in undergraduate medical education in the UK.

Two MCQ examinations of 1.5 hours duration.
One Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

A class certificate will normally be refused in the following circumstances;
Absent from the course teaching sessions without good cause being reported.
Failure to complete a piece of in-course assessment by the stated deadline.

ME5901 - National Assessment
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Professor Heys and Dr Mclay (Deputy)


Students must have successfully completed and passed Clincial Placements B




Restricted to students registered for the PG Diploma in Physician Assistant Studies


A final professional practise block and final revision block will be provided to help students prepare to sit the National Assessment. Students must pass this Assessment to be accepted onto the Managed Voluntary Register and to be able to work as a PA in the UK.


Students will join fial year MBChB students in a series of seminars and practical and problem based learning sessions. In addition a final revision course will be offered in clinical skills.


The national assessment comprises a MCQ examination of 200 minutes duration and one Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

ME59HE - Learning and Teaching in Medical Education
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr Jen Cleland








MT 55XX - Basic Research Methods
Credit Points
Course Coordinator


MB ChB or Good Honours degree in Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Biochemistry or a related discipline


  • Theory of microarray analysis, proteomics, transcriptomics, PCR, protein blotting

  • Metabolic profiling

  • Key features in the design of a research project

  • Basic epidemiology

  • Risk assessment in drug deveolpment


15 x 1 hour lectures and 3 x tutorials (2h), 1 x practical class (8h)


100% Continuous assessment; Essay 35%; practical 35%; presentation 30%