
In this section
NU5009 - Advancing Professional Practice
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr Pat Schofield


Professional qualification in Nursing, Midwifery or Health Care.


21st century health care, Workforce development, Role development, Advanced / advancing practice,Specialist practice, Expert practice –novice, History of Nursing, International perspectives, Clinical supervision, Preceptorship,Practice education, Mentorship, leadership and reflection


Course attendance will consist of 12 two-hour class meetings. These will be conducted primarily as tutorials or seminars, and students will be expected to participate in discussion and presentation of material. In addition to class participation, students will engage in a significant amount of self-directed learning.


There will be two formally assessed pieces of course work and a presentation, a minor essay of 2000 words (30% of course grade) and a major essay of 3000-4000 words and a presentation (70% of course grade).

NU5010 - Ethics in Practice
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr Alice Kiger / Professor John Swinton


Professional qualification in Nursing, Midwifery or Health Care


The Meaning of Ethics in a World of Pluralism, What Does it Mean to be a Person?, Sticking by the Rules?, Ethics, Religion and Spirituality, Making Ethical Decisions for Practice,Personal-professional quandaries,Changing views, Quality of life’ and other awkward issues


Course attendance will consist of 12 two-hour class meetings. These will be conducted primarily as tutorials or seminars, and students will be expected to participate in discussion and presentation of material. In addition to class participation, students will engage in a significant amount of self-directed learning


There will be two formally assessed pieces of course work: a minor essay of 2,000 words (30% of course grade) and a major essay of 3,000 words (70% of course grade).

NU5016 - Effective Management of Patients in Pain
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr Pat Schofield


A professional qualification in Nursing, Midwifery or Health Care.


Anatomy & Physiology of Pain, Definitions of Pain, Acute versus Chronic Pain, Barriers to effective pain management, Ethical Issues,Factors influencing Pain, Assessment of Pain, Management of Acute Pain, Management of Chronic Pain, Complementary therapies, Managing pain in complex groups(Older Adults,Control/Coping with Pain, Multidisciplinary team, The dying patient


Course attendance will consist of 12 two-hour class meetings held over the first half sessions. These will be conducted primarily as tutorials or seminars, and students will be expected to participate in small group work and discussion. In addition to class participation, students will engage in a significant amount of self-directed learning.


There will be two formally assessed pieces of course work, a minor assignment (35% of course grade)and a major assignment of approximately 3,500 words (65% of course grade)

NU5504 - Dissertation in Nursing (Option 1)
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr Pat Schofield


A professional qualification in Nursing.
60 credits of core courses
+ 60 credits of optional courses


The opportunity to undertake a piece of research or other scholarly investigation under expert guidance, enabling the development of the relevant academic skills and providing an opportunity for supported experience in writing for publication.


Students are supported individually by an experienced supervisor and a series of seminar sessions.


Students will produce a 15-20,000 word dissertation relevant to their clinical practice.

NU5505 - Dissertation in Midwifery (option 1)
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr Pat Schofield


A professional qualification in Midwifery.
60 credits of core courses
+ 60 credits of optional courses


The opportunity to undertake a piece of research or other scholarly investigation under expert guidance, enabling the development of the relevant academic skills and providing an opportunity for supported experience in writing for publication.


Students will be supported by an experienced supervisor and a series of seminars.


15-20,000 word dissertation relevant to their area of practice.

NU5508 - Dissertation in Health Care (Option 1)
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr Pat Schofield


A professional qualification in Health Care.
60 credits of core courses
+ 60 credits of optional courses


The opportunity to undertake a piece of research or other scholarly investigation under expert guidance, enabling the development of the relevant academic skills and providing an opportunity for supported experience in writing for publication.


Students will be supported by an experienced supervisor and a series of seminars


15-20,000 word dissertation relevant to their area of practice.

NU5509 - Effective Teaching in Clinical /Practice Settings
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr Pat Schofield / Jane Ormerod


A professional qualification in Nursing, Midwifery or Health Care


Theories of learning, communication, Practical skills, Clinical & Practical Setting teaching.


Course attendance will consist of the equivalent of 11 two-hour class meetings and individual assessment guidance meetings in May, June and/or July. Class will be conducted primarily as tutorials or seminars, and students will be expected to participate in small group work and discussion.


Students will negotiate individual plans for assessment with the course team. Assessment will entail a product equivalent to approximately 6,000 words of writing in total.

NU5510 - Dissertation in Nursing (Option 2)
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr Pat Schofield


A professional qualification in Nursing.
60 credits of core courses


The opportunity to undertake a piece of research or other scholarly investigation under expert guidance, enabling the development of the relevant academic skills and providing an opportunity for supported experience in writing for publication.


Students will be supported by an experienced supervisor and a series of seminars.


30-40,000 word dissertation relevant to their area of practice

NU5511 - Dissertation in Midwifery (Option 2)
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr Pat Schofield


A professional qualification in Midwifery
60 credits of core courses


The opportunity to undertake a piece of research or other scholarly investigation under expert guidance, enabling the development of the relevant academic skills and providing an opportunity for supported experience in writing for publication.


Students will be supported by an experienced supervisor and a series of seminars.


30-40,000 word dissertation relevant to their area of practice.

NU5512 - Dissertation in Health Care (Option 2)
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr Pat Schofield


A professional qualification in Health Care
60 credits of core courses


The opportunity to undertake a piece of research or other scholarly investigation under expert guidance, enabling the development of the relevant academic skills and providing an opportunity for supported experience in writing for publication.


Students will be supported by an experienced supervisor and a series of seminars


30-40,000 word dissertation relevant to their area of practice

NU5513 - Using Evidence in Practice
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr Alyson Kettles


Professional qualification in Nursing, Midwifery or Health Care.


Exploring the basis for practice, Finding the evidence, Appraising the evidence, Using evidence in practice – the role of the individual, Strategies to increase the use of evidence in practice , Changing practice


The course will combine seminar style lectures with interactive workshops to enable the student to develop skills in finding, appraising and using evidence.


There are two formally assessed pieces of work, a minor essay of 2000 words (35% of course grade) and a major essay of 4000 words (65% of course grade)

NU5515 - Research Methods fo Health Professionals
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr Pat Schofield


A professional qualification in Nursing, Midwifery or Health Care


Critical review of the literature/referencing, Ethical principles and research governance, Specific qualitative approaches – ethnography, phenomenology and grounded theory, Interviewing/focus groups/observation, analysis and reporting of qualitative data, Quantitative methodology, statistical techniques, Questionnaire design, analysis and reporting of quantitative data


Course attendance will consist of 14 two-hour class meetings held over the two half sessions. These will be conducted primarily as tutorials or seminars, and students will be expected to participate in small group work and discussion. In addition to class participation, students will engage in a significant amount of self-directed learning.


There will be two formally assessed pieces of course work, a minor assignment (35% of course grade) and a major assignment of approximately 3,500 words (65% of course grade)

NU5518 - Palliative Care
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr Pat Schofield/ Dr Sally Lawton


Applicants will normally hold a first degree or equivalent in a relevant dscipline and be professionaly qualified and practising in a relevant field


The course will provide an elective option for students registered in the MSc/PgDip/PgCert in Nursing, Midwifery and Health Care.


Priciples and philosophy of palliative care, malignant and non-malignant palliative care, quality of life and quality of death, pain in palliative care, gastro-intestinal symptoms, respiratory symptoms, neurological/psychiatric symptoms, para-neoplastic syndromes, ethical issues in palliative care, communication issues.


12x 2 hour sessions which will consist of lectures, seminars, group discussions and presentations


100% continuous assessment. One short presentation (20%), one 3000 word essay (80%)