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What makes life good?

Community wellbeing in the Highlands and Islands will be discussed at an open event tonight (June 27) at the Centre for Health Sciences in Inverness.

This interactive session, invites views from anyone with an interest in wellbeing to discuss how digital communication can contribute to wellbeing in rural and remote communities. 

Wellbeing can be defined and explored in many different ways and this session is part of a larger Scottish Universities Insight Institute project that brings together research with members of the public and policy makers to explore what wellbeing means and how it can be improved in Scotland. 

The event will include presentations from researchers at the University of Aberdeen’s dot.rural RCUK Digital Economy Hub covering a range of wellbeing areas from social cohesion to health and will host the first screening of a film about the use of digital communications in Cromarty.

Professor Claire Wallace, Professor of Sociology and Vice-Principal for Research and Knowledge Exchange, said: “An important aspect of wellbeing is the kind of community you live in, and what kind of community spirit is found there. 

“Important factors are the sense of belonging, the kinds of social networks and a sense of solidarity or working for the common good.  The film being premiered for the first time at this workshop shows how the village of Cromarty is able to use information and communications technologies to build community spirit and bridge divides between young and old as well as rich and poor.”

There will also be presentations on community life and social cohesion in the Hebrides through the use of digital archiving of local history and heritage and Professor Phil Wilson, from the Centre for Rural Health, will present how emergency healthcare can be improved in remote communities using new technologies.

The wellbeing event will run from 2.30 until 6 pm at the Centre on Old Perth Road. This event is free and open to members of the public, researchers and those involved with wellbeing policy to attend. Further details can be found at www.abdn.ac.uk/engage/wellbeing

This event will be covered on social media and can be followed using the hashtag #digitalhighlands.

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