University launches Gaelic Language Plan

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University launches Gaelic Language Plan

The University of Aberdeen has begun a consultation period to gather feedback on its Draft Gaelic Language Plan.

The Draft Plan outlines a series of commitments the University is considering as part of its efforts to promote the use and acquisition of the Gaelic language. Under the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act of 2005, public bodies are being notified by Bòrd na Gàidhlig, the public body with responsibility for Gaelic, that they are required to produce a Gaelic Language Plan. These plans will assist the national effort to secure the status of Gaelic as an official language of Scotland.

The University of Aberdeen is one of five higher education institutions currently required to produce a Gaelic Language Plan. The Universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow and Strathclyde are also currently preparing plans, while the University of Highlands and Islands prepared a Plan in 2009.

The University’s Gaelic Language Plan is being developed by an Advisory Group chaired by Vice-Principal Professor Bryan MacGregor. Professor MacGregor noted that “The University of Aberdeen is committed to the aspirations and objectives included as part of the National Plan for Gaelic. We recognise that we have a considerable role to play, both through academic leadership and civic influence, in supporting those objectives”.

The Draft Plan highlights how the University of Aberdeen will assist the national effort to increase the use, acquisition and status of Gaelic and contribute to the language’s development. The University is investigating commitments that will incorporate Gaelic into aspects of its corporate identity and services. Some examples of the commitments that may be included are: a Gaelic language strand to the University’s public engagement research seminar series; the creation a Gaelic version of the University logo; and additional opportunities for Gaelic-speaking students to use the language in the University’s halls of residence

Individuals and organisations are invited to comment on the Plan at a number of consultation meetings organised over the next six weeks. For further information about the Plan or the consultation meetings, please visit Comments or queries about the Plan may also be sent to the Gaelic Development & Policy Officer at

Tha an t-Oilthigh a’ cur air bhog Plana Cànain Gàidhlig

Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain air tòiseachadh ùine cho-chomhairleachaidh gus beachdan fhaighinn air a Dhreachd Phlana Cànain Gàidhlig.

Gabhaidh an Dreachd Phlana a-steach sreath dhleastanasan air a bheil an t-Oilthigh a’ meòrachadh gus cleachdadh is ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh. Fo Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005, tha buidhneanphoblach a’ faighinn fios-oifigeil bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig, abhuidheann phoblach air a bheil uallach airson na Gàidhlig, gum feum iad Plana Cànain Gàidhlig ullachadh. Cuidichidh na Planaichean seoan oidhirp nàiseanta gus inbhe na Gàidhlig a leasachadh mar cànan oifigeil na h-Alba.

’S e fear de chòig ionadan àrd-fhoghlaim a th’ ann an Oilthigh Obar Dheathain a dh’ fheumas Plana Cànain Gàidhlig ullachadh. ’S iad na h-Oilthighean Dhùn Èideann, Ghlaschu, agus Shrath Chluaidh a tha a’ deisealachadh Phlanaichean an-dràsta, agus dh’ ullaich Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean Plana ann an 2009.

Tha am Plana air leasachadh le buidheann chomhairleachaidh le Iar-Phrionnsabal an t-Àrd-Ollamh Brian MacGriogair air a ceann. Thuirt An t-Àrd Ollamh MacGriogair “Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain a’ cur roimhe nan àrd-mhiannan agus nan amasan a tha air an gabhail a-steach ann am Plana Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig agus Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005. Aithnichidh sinn gu bheil pàirt chudromach againn a choileanadh, le ceannardas acadaimigeach agus buaidh chatharra, ann a bhith a’ toirt taic do na h-amasan sin”.

Nì an Dreachd Phlana soilleir ciamar a chuidicheas Oilthigh Obar Dheathain an oidhirp nàiseanta gus ionnsachadh, cleachdadh, agus inbhe na Gàidhlig a mheudachadh agus cuideachd ciamar a chuireas e ri leasachadh a’ chànain. Tha an t-Oilthigh a’ meòrachadh air dleastanasan a ghabhas a-steach Gàidhlig ann an taobhan ìomhaigh chorporra agus seirbhisean.  Seo cuid de dh’eisimpleirean de dhleastanasan a dh’fhaodadh  gabhail a-steach: taobh Gàidhlig anns an t-sreath òraidean rannsachaidh ann an iomairt com-pàirteachaidh poblaich an Oilthigh, cruthachadh suaicheantais an Oilthigh ann an Gàidhlig, agus barrachd chothroman a thoirt do dh’oileanaich aig a bheil Gàidhlig gus an cànan a chleachdadh ann an tallachan-còmhnaidh an Oilthigh.

Cuirear fàilte air beachdan daoine fa leth is buidhnean air a’ Phlana aig na coinneamhan co-chomhairleachaidh a tha eagraichte anns na sia seachdainean ri tighinn. Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mun Phlana no mu na coinneamhan cho-chomhairleachaidh, theirig gu Faodar beachdan no ceistean a chur gu Oifigear Leasachaidh is Poileasaidh an Oilthigh aig: cuideachd.

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