Managing energy for the future

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Managing energy for the future

A popular series of free talks, which have packed out an Aberdeenshire venue, return again to Banchory this Tuesday (February 15).

How energy should be managed is the subject of the first in the new series of Café Scientifique Aberdeenshire talks which take place in Buchanan’s Cafe at the town’s Woodend Barn at 7.30pm.

Hundreds of people attended the last series of talks organised by the University of Aberdeen in conjunction with Techfest-Setpoint.

The Personal Energy Allowanceis the title of next week’s talk being given by renewable energy expert Dr Alan Owen, Director of the Centre for Understanding Sustainable Practice at Robert Gordon University.

Dr Owen said: “We have a situation where the future is bleak for energy management as we want more and more of it and less and less will be available.

“People have a sense of entitlement when it comes to energy. They think they can consume as much energy as they want, whether that be as heat, power, travel etc, but I would propose that this should not be the case.

“At my talk I will outline a scheme that could go some way to solving the problem which would see people using more economical cars, and insulating their homes. I will be also promoting the use of renewable in a way that people can benefit from the energy they generate.”

Dr Ken Skeldon is head of the University’s Public Engagement Team which organises the events. He said: “Last year’s talks at Banchory proved to be a real hit – our first session attracted around 250 people.

“We’ve got a great line up for this series of Café Scientifique Aberdeenshire talks and we’re hoping they will prove just as popular.”

Café Scientifique Aberdeenshireis part of the University’s Café Scientifique series which is supported by a Science Engagement grant from the Scottish Government. For more information see:

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