Thousands to descend on Aberdeen as University hosts Open Day

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Thousands to descend on Aberdeen as University hosts Open Day

Thousands of prospective students from across the globe are expected to descend on the Granite City on Tuesday (August 31) as the University of Aberdeen hosts its annual Open Day.

The event is aimed at people of all ages looking to embark on studies at the institution in September 2011.

Visitors will learn more about the changes to the structure, content, delivery and flexibility of the degrees offered by the University, to ensure they match the needs of graduates and employers.

They will also be told of the major investments in buildings and infrastructure which are enhancing the experience of students, including the Aberdeen Sports Village and the Suttie Centre for Teaching and Learning in Healthcare which offers medical students an unrivalled learning experience.   

A diverse range of informative exhibitions, presentations and demonstrations will take place throughout the Open Day, alongside campus tours and live entertainment.

Parents will also be given the unique opportunity to learn more about what university life has in store for their child at bespoke Parents’ Session which will provide vital information on subjects such as finance and accommodation.

Rachel Sandison, Head of Student Recruitment and Admissions at the University of Aberdeen said: “For those considering embarking on their studies at the University of Aberdeen, the Open Day provides a crucial opportunity to discover the full spectrum of what student life at the institution has to offer. 

“Thousands of potential students attending the event will see and hear about the University’s drive to ensure we offer the best student experience and provide them with opportunities that will differentiate them from other graduates.

“The recent reform of our curriculum will deliver graduates who are even more employable because their range of skills will be so relevant to today’s society.

“The benefits it offers to students include more flexible entry and exit points at each level, increased support for study breaks and wider opportunities to broaden experience and skills through overseas study, work placements and voluntary work.

“Visitors to the Open Day will learn about these advantages and also discover more about the academic, social and cultural aspects which make Aberdeen a vibrant and exciting location for students.”

The University of Aberdeen Open Day takes place on Tuesday August 31, from 8.45am to 3.30pm.

For more information and to register visit or contact Student Recruitment and Admissions on 01224 272090

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