Museums Galleries Scotland announce University of Aberdeen successful in securing awards

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Museums Galleries Scotland announce University of Aberdeen successful in securing awards

The University of Aberdeen is to share in £750,000 of capital funding from Museums Galleries Scotland.

The University has been awarded £85,000 towards a new gallery in the heart of the main campus. 

The investment is specially targeted at capital projects which are designed to improve the visitor experiences to Scotland’s Recognised Collections of National Significance. 

Dr Alan Knox, head of the University's museums, said: “We are taking over the building in the High Street which was formerly occupied by the Clydesdale Bank.

“This award will help us create an exciting cultural space for everyone in the centre of Old Aberdeen.

“We will have a temporary exhibition gallery, a display highlighting some of our outstanding collections and an education space for schools.

“This is great opportunity to bring our nationally-important collections more effectively to the university and the wider community. We hope to be welcoming visitors before the end of the year.”

Minister for Culture and External Affairs, Fiona Hyslop said: The University of Aberdeen has been awarded £85,000 towards a new gallery in the very heart of the main campus. 

“The new gallery will allow visitors to enjoy the University’s Recognised Collection which currently has limited space for display while Marischal Museum's galleries are closed.”

Joanne Orr, Chief Executive of Museums Galleries Scotland, said: “We received unprecedented interestfor a share of this capital funding.  This is what we expect from an industry for which funding is a constant challenge.” 

“Museums GalleriesScotland continues to work on behalf of Scotland’s museums and galleries sector to secure the investment required to care for our most important collections for future generations.” 

“The museums and galleries that hold the Recognised Collections are located all over Scotland.  They deliver benefits to tourism, education, community regeneration and engagement.  This value to the people of Scotland supports our need for continued investment to Scotland’s museums and galleries.”

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