Law students launch journal to showcase their skills

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Law students launch journal to showcase their skills

Law students at the University of Aberdeen have become only the second in Scotland to launch their own journal to promote the work undertaken in the School.

The Aberdeen Student Law Review is a journal written and edited by the students of the University’s Law School and provides a platform for both undergraduate and postgraduate students to submit scholarly essays and case notes on an area of law of their choice.  

The newly established journal is only the second of its kind in Scotland and the editors are currently looking for contributions for the inaugural issue, which they hope to publish online in May.

The Review will showcase the work of the students of Aberdeen and highlight the many areas of law which are taught and researched at the University.

Dominic Scullion, Managing Editor of the Aberdeen Student Law Review and a postgraduate law student, said the journal was established to provide a new forum for law students at the University.

He said: “We wanted to encourage students at the University of Aberdeen to challenge themselves academically and to provide an opportunity for them to see their work published. 

“At every stage of your law career, from writing your honours dissertation, to preparing research for the partner in your firm or providing an opinion as an Advocate, being able to write about law is as essential as being able to speak about it".

Margaret Ross, Head of the School of Law, University of Aberdeen, added: “I am delighted to support this student-led initiative, which will provide a novel opportunity for our law students to have excellent work published. 

“This will add further to the skills and employability of our students, and is an opportunity not to be missed.”

The journal will welcome submissions on any area of Scots law, as well as articles with an international or historical focus. 

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