Occupational Pension Schemes discussed at University Business Lunch

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Occupational Pension Schemes discussed at University Business Lunch

The whole issue of occupational pensions come under the spotlight this week in the latest of a series of business lunches organised by Prospect CPD at the University of Aberdeen.

Why is the world of occupational pensions undergoing such change? What are the future options that individuals and companies need to consider when looking to optimise security during retirement? These are two of the questions discussed at the next Lunch at the Linklater Rooms presentation on Thursday June 13 at the Linklater Rooms, University of Aberdeen.

Companies, employers, fund trustees and employees themselves are invited to hear Professor Roger Buckland, Chair of Accountancy at the University of Aberdeen highlight and discuss issues currently facing occupational pension schemes. Professor Buckland said: "There have been a series of shocks to hit the whole subject of occupational pension provision leaving organisations and individuals questioning and seeking advice as to how effective pension planning can be achieved. I hope to shed light on the key issues and offer an insight into what managers, employers and employees should consider now for future benefit."

Lunch at the Linklater Rooms is a series of free presentations and lunch discussions designed to stimulate and inform the business community. Jacqui Allen of Prospect CPD says: "The aim of the Linklater Lunch Series is to showcase what Prospect CPD can provide by way of continuing professional development provision. The lunches are a great opportunity to network with likeminded individuals from the local business community and to discuss topical issues."

Further information is available from Prospect CPD at the University of Aberdeen, tel: 01224 272523, or email: cpd@abdn.ac.uk.

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