The class of 1936 reunited

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The class of 1936 reunited

Researchers at the University of Aberdeen are inviting anyone born in the North of Scotland in 1936 to a social event being held today.

The event has been organised by Professor Lawrence Whalley and his Mental Health team to thank almost 500 volunteers who have so far helped with an extensive research programme examining the possibility of any link between childhood IQ test scores and health later in life.

The event is being held on Monday 27 October in Elphinstone Hall from 2.30pm and will be an opportunity to keep the group informed and to advise the volunteers of the study findings to date. It is also being held prior to the next wave of tests planned to begin in February 2004. This phase of the research will be supported by a programme grant of over £300,000 to the University of Aberdeen from the Alzheimer Research Trust.

Professor Whalley explained: "In 1947 the Scottish Council for Research in Education carefully tested 70,527 children born in 1936. The results of these ability tests were retained and we have compared them with physical and mental health tests of the same people 55 years later. We have interviewed 500 volunteers and are about to complete re-examination two years later. The mental tests take no longer than two hours and we try to make them enjoyable and fun for the volunteers. A research nurse interviews each volunteer, will take a small blood sample and test physical health, before a research psychologist examines individual differences in thinking and reasoning that change with age."

Four years ago around 100 volunteers from the 1921 birth cohort group attended a party that was held at Aberdeen's Music Hall and preparations were made to restage the original 11-plus test that they sat at school in 1932. A year later, a Civic Reception was held, again at the Music Hall, with a turnout of 400 people. The event was held on 1 June - exactly 67 years to the day that the volunteers sat their first IQ test, and under the same instructions. Two years ago 350 volunteers turned up at an event held at the Music Hall.

Anybody from the North-East area, who attended school in Scotland in 1947 and who was born in 1936, is welcome to attend the event at Elphinstone Hall on Monday, 27 October. The research group is still interested to hear from anyone born in that year who has not yet been traced. Please contact Professor Lawrence Whalley, Head of Mental Health, University of Aberdeen, on: (01224) 557479.


Monday, October 27 between 2.30 and 4.00pm, at the University of Aberdeen, Elphinstone Hall.

You are invited to send a photographer / camera crew / reporter to cover this afternoon's social event where around 250 volunteers born in the North of Scotland in 1936 will meet at Elphinstone Hall.

Professor Lawrence Whalley will be available for interview/photographs during the event.

For further information contact:

Angela Ferguson, Communications, Office of External Affairs, University of Aberdeen, Tel: (01224) 272960 or email:

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