Noisy Nature

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Noisy Nature

Noisy Nature

It may not seem the most obvious place but a University of Aberdeen garden has all the makings of a mini- orchestra.

The Cruickshank Botanic Garden has a wonderful variety of plants and trees which could provide parts for a range of instruments. These include the sycamore tree which is used to make violins; spruce trees which are used in guitar soundboards; the great reed, which is a type of grass used to make the reeds on woodwind instruments like the clarinet, and bamboo which is used for panpipes.

Mandy Tulloch, Development Co-ordinator at the University's Natural History Centre said: "We want as many holiday clubs to get involved in these fun events as possible. The children will find out which plants make good musical instruments and they will also create some noise makers to take home.

"We've designed these activities to be as hands-on as possible. As well as learning about music and science, the children will be exploring our secret garden to find out about trees and plants. It's going to be great fun!"

Organised sessions run from 2.30pm to 4pm, every week day during the last week of July and first week of August. After-school and holiday club leaders who are interested in coming along should contact Mandy Tulloch. Tel: (01224) 493288 to book a session.

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