Aberdeen scientists rise to 40 second challenge for National Science Week

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Aberdeen scientists rise to 40 second challenge for National Science Week

Science Snaps are one-minute ‘Snaps’ on a range of topical science issues recorded by seven of Aberdeen’s scientists which will be broadcast all this week on Northsound 1 radio as part of a celebration of National Science Week.

The ‘Snaps’ are backed-up by a new website www.sciencesnaps.co.uk where you can listen to the Snaps again, explore the science topic further, ask the scientists questions and enter a competition to record your own Science Snap.

“The scientists who participated in this project had to condense their thoughts into around forty seconds to leave enough space for the introduction and tail piece to the Snap. They all rose to this challenge magnificently and I think they quite enjoyed themselves,” said Dr Sue Bird, who has coordinated the project on behalf of the Aberdeen Branch of the BA and the Rowett Research Institute.

“Aberdeen has such a large scientific community it was really hard to choose the topics and individuals to do the ‘Snaps’, but we have ended-up with a great mix of subjects and people.

"For instance, Professor Marcel Jaspars from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Aberdeen talks about his floating chemistry lab where he is investigating seasquirts as potential sources of new drugs and Alex Johnstone from the Rowett Institute is asking the question `Does dieting make you fat?”

Liz Robertson, the Regional Officer for the BA, who has overall responsibility for all the activities during National Science Week, said: “We hope that Science Snaps will inspire local people to get involved during National Science Week.

"There’s a whole range of activities going on and you can find out everything you need to know at the website www.sciencesnaps.co.uk Why not enter the competition to write your own Science Snap? The winner will get the chance to record it at Northsound Radio, for broadcast at a later date.”

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