PhD Oil & Gas Law, 2018 From Aberdeen to Teaching Taxation & Oil & Gas Law
Your Time at Aberdeen
Why did you choose to study at Aberdeen? I chose Aberdeen due to the quality of its energy law program that has earned it a name globally. Being staffed with experienced academics in energy law, coupled with state of the art facilities and the tranquil nature of the city, Aberdeen became my number one choice.
Why did you choose your particular course? Undertaking research on fiscal implications of stabilisation clauses in production-sharing agreements matched well with the knowledge that was and is of acute need in my country's infant oil and gas sector. With the increasing interest of IOCs to explore new frontiers, coupled with massive discoveries of natural gas in the country, legal skills in this area become a necessity.
What did you most enjoy about your time at Aberdeen? Did you have any particularly memorable student experiences? Having an incredible supervisor, Professor John Paterson, based in the UK and Professor Florens Luoga based in Tanzania was quite inspiring and rewarding to my research.
If talking to a group of prospective students, what advice would you give them to help them make the most of their time at the University of Aberdeen? They should engage in extra-curricular activities as much as possible to make their study at Aberdeen the most exciting and memorable life event.
If while at Aberdeen you benefited from a scholarship, what was the scholarship and what difference did it make to your time at Aberdeen? I benefited from the EU Scholarship for Capacity Building for Higher Education in Tanzania, a joint program run by the University of Aberdeen and University of Dar es Salaam. The scholarship was a game changer in my life as I was able to achieve my dream of studying at a prestigious institution in the UK.
Your Time After Aberdeen
What was the title of your first job after graduating from Aberdeen? The same job I have now, Lecturer in Law at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania.
What is your current role? Lecturing, research and consultancy.
Was your degree at Aberdeen essential for getting to where you are now? If so, in what way? The knowledge and skills I acquired at Aberdeen have significantly contributed to my career development. My degree made it possible for me to be promoted from Assistant Lecturer to Lecturer. But also, it has assisted me in providing training to government entities on oil and gas law. I have also managed to advance significantly in private practice whereby I represent and advise various IOCs and multinationals on their investments in Tanzania.