School Leader

School Leader

from aberdeen to school leaderEsther Osei-Nkansah

MSc Petroleum, Energy Economics
and Finance, 2014
From Aberdeen to School Leader

Your Time at Aberdeen

Why did you choose to study at Aberdeen?
I chose Aberdeen because it well noted as an oil and gas town with a racially diverse community. The University of Aberdeen is also well known for its long history and strong tradition of excellence, being one of the top UK schools.

Why did you choose your particular course?
I chose to read Petroleum, Energy Economics and Finance because the oil and gas industry in Ghana at that time was in its infancy, and so there was a need to develop local talent to take take up opportunities in the industry.

What did you most enjoy about your time at Aberdeen? Did you have any particularly memorable student experiences?
I enjoyed the weather, considering how hot Ghana is, the cold really lifted my spirit whenever I stepped out. I must say I really missed the Aberdeen weather when I came back home.
I also loved the Fresher's Fayre where I got to meet amazing people who later became good friends.

Did you hold any student leadership roles, e.g. Class Rep, Club Treasurer, Social Convenor?
Yes, I was the programme representative for my year group.

If talking to a group of prospective students, what advice would you give them to help them make the most of their time at the University of Aberdeen?
Apart from making time for their studies, they should experience the town, people, culture and join some clubs and/or societies.

Your Time After Aberdeen

What was the title of your first job after graduating from Aberdeen?
Deputy Head of School

What did your first role involve?
Overseeing all non-curriculum areas as well as enhancing the holistic education of students by driving strategic planning and ensuring efficient management of resources.

Who was your first employer?
Cornerstone International Academy

What is your current job title?
Deputy Head of School

Who is your current employer?
Cornerstone International Academy

What is your current role?
Working closely with the school head on a daily basis to ensure the smooth overall operation of the school.

What is your current location?

Please briefly describe the journey from your first job after graduating to where you are now
I got my current job after graduation.

Was your degree at Aberdeen essential for getting to where you are now? If so, in what way?
Yes. The finance component of my degree was highly considered during my appointment.

One Top Tip

Please share your one top tip that you think is most important for our current students or recent graduates that will help them when starting out on their career paths.
Be open minded and explore opportunities.