Changing Lives

Changing Lives

From Aberdeen to Changing Lives - Martina Chukwuma-EzikeMartina Chukwuma-Ezike

MBA, 2009
From Aberdeen to Changing Lives

Martina is an MBA graduate who is now the Chief Executive of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation. Here she reflects on her experiences of her time at the Business School and how she went From Aberdeen to Changing Lives.

What did you most enjoy about your time at the University of Aberdeen? Do you have any particularly memorable student experiences?

One of the best decisions I made was studying an MBA at the University of Aberdeen. The course was well structured with lecturers who were committed to developing and mentoring future managers and leaders. I had loads of memorable experiences during my time at the University. As an International student, I couldn't wait to meet Nicki Duncan, whose friendliness and exceptional customer service skills made me believe the University of Aberdeen was the best place to study. Another was the variety of courses; the highlight was the marketing simulation game which gave me a solid foundation in marketing strategy and product positioning. Group and individual presentations at the business school built my confidence in public speaking.

If talking to a group of prospective students, what advice would you give them to help them make the most of their time at the University of Aberdeen?

MBA students - See your time at Graduate Business School as the foundation of the great manager/leader you would become tomorrow. Pay attention to all the courses, none is less important, knowledge gained from business school will become your guiding principles in your chosen field. Studying at the University of Aberdeen is like being given a rare opportunity; make the most of it.

Tell us about the career path you have taken since completing your studies at Aberdeen, including details of all jobs undertaken.

I founded Asthma and Allergy Foundation, Scotland's only dedicated asthma charity. I started this in 2009, shortly after my graduation. The charity has grown from a community group to a big charity that recently opened the first Asthma Support Centre in the UK to provide support services for people with asthma and allergy in the north east of Scotland.

Was your degree at Aberdeen helpful / did it contribute to you getting to where you are now and in what way?

Absolutely, my work at Asthma and Allergy Foundation is an avenue of putting into practice all I learnt at Graduate Business School. Critical thinking, business strategy, problem solving, presentation skills, project development, self-confidence etc.

Any top tips?

Think outside the box, be different, be your best. Remember, whatever you conceive in your heart, diligently work towards it - you will achieve it.