525 Alumni of Achievement privacy notice

525 Alumni of Achievement privacy notice

525 Alumni of Achievement privacy notice

This notice explains how the University of Aberdeen handles the personal information of individuals nominated for the 525 Alumni of Achievement project, their nominators and family members. A separate privacy notice describes how we handle personal information about alumni on a routine basis.

Who we are

The organisation responsible for the personal information in terms of data protection legislation is the University of Aberdeen, a charity registered in Scotland no. SC013683.

If you have any questions about the University's handling of personal information, or the rights under privacy laws, you can contact the University Data Protection Officer by email at dpa@abdn.ac.uk.

Information we collect and use

The project seeks to collect the following information about graduates of the University who have made an outstanding contribution to their discipline, community, society, nation or to the University. The project will also collect information about people who nominate a graduate for recognition and, when possible, family members of nominated graduates. Please note that the project will not hold all categories of personal information for all graduates or those who nominate graduates.

For graduates nominated for recognition:

  • Personal identifiers: their name(s) and date of birth
  • Education, qualifications, accomplishments and awards
  • Description of achievements, nature of contribution and impact
  • Biography and curriculum vitae
  • Photograph or image
  • This information will be published in a print and digital magazine

For family members of nominated graduates:

  • Name, relationship to nominated graduate and contact details

For nominators:

  • Name and contact details
  • University of Aberdeen degree, if applicable.

Information sources

The personal information gathered by the project comes from a number of sources, some of which are already in the public domain. They include:


For graduates nominated for recognition:

  • Information provided by nominators, who may be staff, students or alumni of the University or members of the public.
  • Information held in University records and archives.
  • Information held in libraries and archives around the world
  • Information held in media archives including print and online news
  • Websites and other digital sources

For family members of nominated graduates:

  • Information provided by nominators, who may be staff, students or alumni of the University or members of the public.

For nominators:

  • Information provided by nominators themselves
  • Information held in University and public records

Why we process this information and our lawful basis

We use this personal information to compile and publish details in digital and print of 525 graduates of the University as part of the University's wider 525th anniversary celebrations in 2020 and to celebrate the high quality of education provided by the University throughout its history. Details may be used to invite alumni to a special reception which celebrates our 525 Alumni of Achievement, and may be included in a commemorative digital and print publication to celebrate the honourees..

The University processes this personal information in accordance with our legitimate interests. These interests are to promote the activities and achievements of the University, and to tell the story of 525 of our most outstanding alumni throughout history. Telling the story of how generations of graduations have changed the world and made outstanding contributions to their discipline, the community, society and the University.

Disclosing your information

We intend to publish information about 525 of the nominated graduates recognised for their achievements. We will publish the name, year of graduation, subject of study and short biographical information on our social media channels, our website and in a print and digital magazine. Before including this information we will seek consent from living alumni or family members where possible.

We will not disclose personal information about other nominated graduates, the family members of nominated graduates or of nominators to any other organisation, except when we are required to do so by law. This would only occur in exceptional circumstances. Information will not be shared or sold to third parties for marketing purposes.

The external suppliers we use for IT support may have access to the personal information in order to provide that service to the University. Our third-party supplier arrangements are regulated by contracts designed to protect the information and limit the way it is used.

How long your information is kept

The personal information published about the 525 nominated graduates will be held by the University permanently in the University archive. All other personal information gathered during the project will be destroyed one year after the completion of the project.

Individuals' rights

People whose personal information is gathered by the project have the right to withdraw their consent at any time / object to their personal information being used by the University for the 525 Alumni of Achievement project, and rights to request access, correction or deletion of their personal information.

You can contact the project team by email at alumni@abdn.ac.uk.

You can ask about privacy rights or make a request about personal information by contacting the University Data Protection Officer at dpa@abdn.ac.uk.

If you are dissatisfied with the way the University has handled personal information or dealt with a data protection issue, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner.

The Information Commissioner's Office can be contacted via their website at www.ico.org.uk/concerns/.