"Our class (1958 -1964) recently held a 50 Year Medical Class Reunion in September 2014, and though not designed to make a profit on the function over the 4 days of the event, we did not plan to make a loss!
Thus when all bills were paid, we were able to donate just over £2800 to the Medical School teaching facility in the Suttie Centre and provide them with 2 pieces of equipment and some cash for maintenance of the equipment for current and future student teaching.
The holding of a Class Event at the University of Aberdeen will reflect something of the learning and fun which you shared with your Classmates all those years ago.
The University has changed in the intervening period as you would expect, and so has the funding process for both students and the University as a whole.
Perhaps you should build in a small 'overage' to your event and make that overage a donation to the University for current or future University or student activities.
Think about it.
We have done so (Medical Class of 1958-64) and so good luck and good fun when it comes to your turn."
"Our class has held reunions at least every 5 years since our graduation. Most of the get-togethers have taken place in or around Aberdeen with opportunities to revisit the city and the University and of course reminisce on our times here.
Memorable times indeed, not just the excellent education we received, but the many friends we made and the fun of it all! All our lives have been significantly affected in so many ways by our experiences here. A donation to the University is a but a small token of our regard."