Art History at 50 Celebratory Reception

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Art History at 50 Celebratory Reception

This is a past event

As you may be aware, the Art History Department is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Art History teaching at Aberdeen started in 1971 with the first students graduating in the academic year 1975-6. To mark this occasion, we have organised a number of events throughout this last year and the third, and final, celebration event will be a reception on campus on Thursday 19 May.

Guests are invited to join us from 3.30pm at King's College Conference Centre before the event begins with a special presentation from Professor Martin Postle, Senior Researcher Fellow at the Paul Mellon Centre for British Art in London at 4pm. Martin will present his research on the British artist, Joseph Wright of Derby, and his connections with the department; he was a close collaborator with Prof. David Mannings, who was a founding lecturer along with Prof. David Irwin. Martin is an accomplished scholar who previously worked as a Senior Curator at Tate and as Head of British Art to 1900. You might also have seen him sharing his expertise on British art on the BBC1 programme, Fake or Fortune! This presentation will be followed by refreshments and on opportunity to mingle with friends, staff (past and present) and fellow alumni.

We hope that you are able to join us to mark this special occassion.

Online registrations have now closed. If you would like to attend this event please email us on and we will register you.

Please note that there are no parking restrictions during this period.

Professor Martin Postle
King's College Conference Centre