Online Event for Alumni in France

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Online Event for Alumni in France

This is a past event

We are delighted to be holding our first virtual event for alumni in France. Join us on 21 January from 7pm-8.30pm (CET) to hear a fascinating presentation from Professor Edward Welch followed by an opportunity to catch up with friends and make new ones.

During his presentation Professor Edward Welch will talk about his current project on modernization in post-war France, which explores how the country was transformed through urbanization, spatial planning and development, and how the effects of modernization have been portrayed in French culture.

Following the presentation we will take a short break before an opportunity to socialise begins. We hope you will stay to share un verre de vin (or another beverage of choice) with alumni across the country.

Online registrations have now closed. If you would like to attend this event please email us on and we will register you.

Don't forget to also join the Facebook group for alumni in France!

Professor Edward Welch