Alumni Email Service - Active Use Policy

Alumni Offers

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Alumni Email Service - Active Use Policy

The Alumni Email Service Active Use Policy came into effect on 30 September 2019. The policy states that if your Alumni email account is inactive for longer than six months, it will be closed. Please note that accounts that have been closed cannot be reopened.

What will happen if I don't actively use my Alumni email account?

When your Alumni email account has been inactive for five months, you will receive a notification email. This will advise you that unless you actively use your Alumni email account within the following four weeks, your account will be closed on a given date. If you do not take action at that time, you will be sent another email two weeks before the given closure date.

What can I do to ensure my Alumni email account remains open?

To ensure your account remains open, you should log into your Alumni account and send an email from it at least once every six months. Sending an email to yourself is sufficient.

Please note that any forwarding rule you have set to run from your Alumni email account will not be counted as activity.

Can I request an Alumni email account if I don't already have one?

Unfortunately not; we are no longer able to open new Alumni email accounts.

Is there anything else that I need to be aware of?

In addition to the above, please note that registration for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is now a condition of use for your Alumni email account.