Academic Skills - Student Learning Service

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Academic Skills - Student Learning Service

The Student Learning Service (SLS) works with all students to enhance their academic skills including academic writing, maths skills and approaches to study. We also offer specialist support for neurodivergent students.

Online resources for developing your academic skills are available in MyAberdeen: Achieve (for UG students) and Achieve+ (for PGT students) [institutional login required]. We also offer One-to-one Study Advice Sessions, Drop-ins and Workshops.

PhD students are also welcome to book a one-to-one session to discuss their writing or their general approach to their doctoral research, however, this must be done in consultation with their supervisor (an e-mail from the supervisor to confirm is required).

To view the list of workshops currently on offer and to book a place on one, please log into the course booking system.

Academic Writing

Advice on academic writing development and related topics are available for all students through online resources, one-to-one sessions (online or in-person), drop-in sessions, and workshops.

Maths & Stats Skills Support

Maths & Stats Support is confidential, non-judgemental and free. It is open to all students, from any discipline and level, whether on-campus or online.

Appointments can be run online or in person; drop-in sessions are on campus; workshops are hybrid.

Approaches to Study


Neurodivergent Students

Support for neurodivergent students is open to those with an official diagnosis as well as those who suspect that they may be neurodivergent. The support is confidential, non-judgemental and accessible to all levels of study.

As well as online resources, we offer workshops and online and face-to-face individual appointments.