BSc Geology & Mineralogy Class of 1979

40Yr Reunion.

The Boat Inn, Aboyne. July 2019

Geology Field trip - The Cuillins, Isle of Skye, 1979

0 3 1 9 7 9 B S c G e o l o g y c l a s s I n f r o n t o f t h e C u i l l i n s S k y e < ! - - p a d d i n g f o r O S X 1 0 . 6 - - >

Standing: Keith Jordan, Colin Fairweather, Gordon Forbes, Bruce Tocher, James Wood, Euan Mearns, Neil Taylor, Alastair Thomson, Frank Rennie, Charles Mardall Sitting: John Wood, David Ross, Neil Mathieson, Gillian Murray (nee Aitken), Helen Davis (nee Duncan) and lecturers Dr. Ashcroft and the late Dr. Tocher
John Wood