

Responsibility for the governance of the University rests with the University Court and the Senatus Academicus (Senate). To assist them in their work, the Court and Senate have each established various committees.

The Senate is responsible for all academic matters relating to teaching and research. This includes approving teaching and learning (including assessment) policies and practices, regulations that govern students' programmes of study, their progress and their awards, and admission requirements to the University's various degrees (known as “Going Rates”); and ensuring that appropriate and effective arrangements are in place for student support (academic and non-academic). It is on the authority of the Senate that degrees and other awards are conferred.

The core functions of the Senate are exceedingly broad and are defined by the Higher Education Governance (Scotland) Act 2016 as the body which 'is responsible for the overall planning, co-ordination, development and supervision of the academic work of the institution'.

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