Applications are now open for an Interdisciplinary PhD project on menstrual issues: social, cultural and medical. Despite being an integral part of a woman’s life cycle, menstruation has been historically associated with social and cultural taboos. Changes in societal and personal perceptions of menstruation and its impact on physical, emotional, and social well-being has led to confusion about what is normal and what is abnormal requiring needs medical input. The PhD student will look at the following research questions in particular:
1. How has the concept of ‘menstrual health and menstrual problems’ evolved in recent years?
2. How has the definition and medical treatment for menstrual problems evolved over the last 50 years?
3. What are women’s and health professionals’ perceptions of menstruation and treatment for menstrual disorders?
The deadline for applications is Thursday 31st March 2022. Candidates should contact the lead supervisor, Dr Lucky Saraswat ( to discuss the project in advance of submitting an application. Candidates will be informed after the application deadline if they have been shortlisted for interview.
For more information please see the link to the advert below.