Aberdeen Centre for Women's Health Research Presentation with Professor Wendy Graham - Maternal morbidity: the scandal of the centuries

Aberdeen Centre for Women's Health Research Presentation with Professor Wendy Graham - Maternal morbidity: the scandal of the centuries

This is a past event

 Aberdeen Centre for Women's Health Research with Professor Wendy Graham - ‘Maternal mortality: the scandal of the centuries’

 Wendy Graham is a research scientist in maternal and perinatal health improvement in low-and-middle-income countries. Her career spans over 30 years and she is currently Professor of Obstetric Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Emeritus Professor at the University of Aberdeen.

The initial focus of Prof Graham’s work was the prevention of maternal mortality, setting-up surveillance systems in collaboration with partners in LMICs and with major international organizations, such as WHO and CDC. In recent years, her focus has shifted to epidemiological and implementation research for the reduction of healthcare-associated infections among mothers and newborns, including IPC and WASH interventions in healthcare facilities. Prof Graham is currently working with country partners in Cambodia, Gambia and Malawi as well as with international agencies, including WaterAid and ICRC.

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Please contact acwhr@abdn.ac.uk or kelly.gray@abdn.ac.uk for more information.