Networked Data Lab (NDL)

Networked Data Lab (NDL)

Networked Data Lab (NDL)

Funder: The Health Foundation
Duration: Phase 1: September 2020 - March 2023, Phase 2: March 2023 - March 2026
Chief Investigator: Professor Corri Black
Analytical Lead: Dr Jess Butler
Other UoA co-investigators: Ms Katie Wilde , Dr Magda Rzewuska , Dr Raul Berrocal Martin , Dr Helen Rowlands
NHS Grampian co-investigators: Ms Susan Webb

The Networked Data Lab (NDL) is a Health Foundation initiative that is building a collaborative network of analytical teams across the UK to produce insights on critical areas of population health and health care, using linked health datasets. The 5 UK partners bring together analytical expertise in the use of linked datasets, to address key issues for population health and care services.

The NDL provides an important complement to a developing ecosystem of health data linkage. The problems the NDL are tackling are common to many localities, but often very complex. By working collaboratively, we are striving to combine the best of local expertise with the learning that comes from collaborative working towards a shared goal. By producing meaningful insights from data that can be used both locally and nationally, it will enable us to use data to improve the health and care of people across the country.

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