Invitation to participate for patients

Invitation to participate for patients

What factors are important in determining wait-list priority for those awaiting hip and knee replacement?

Invitation to participate / Information sheet for patients

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has led to large increases in the time that people are having to wait for hip and knee replacement once it has been decided they should undergo surgery.

Historically the main factor that has decided priority for surgery was the time that the patient has waited for their operation. There are however other factors that should also perhaps be considered (for example quality of life whilst living with arthritis or return to work requirements).

Given the very long waits that people are now experiencing for surgery (more than two years in some situations), we feel it is important to work out which factors should be included when deciding which individuals should be prioritised.

We are therefore looking for the help of people currently on the waiting list for hip and knee replacement, or have had one of these operations performed in the last 2 years to help us answer this important question as part of a research study led by the University of Aberdeen.

This process will involve working with surgeons to complete 3 online surveys sent out over a couple of months that will help us to decide what factors should be included in prioritising those waiting for hip and knee replacement.

The first survey will look at what factors people think should potentially be included for determining priority. The second and third surveys will then ask people to decide how important they think these factors are based on their own opinions and anonymised feedback from others. Each survey should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete. There is no need for any previous experience of research to take part.

As part of the study, some basic information about you and your background will be collected. All information collected about you and your opinions will be kept strictly confidential and securely stored. As part of the study information will be securely shared between Clinvivo Ltd (the company supplying the software for the surveys), and the University of Aberdeen (where the information will be analysed).

The Chief Investigator for the study is Mr G.P. Ashcroft.

Register for the study

Please note that registration is now closed as this project phase has been completed.

Contact information

For further information you can contact Luke Farrow or visit the ARCHERY - PATHWAY section of our website.

We really appreciate you considering being part of this study and hope you are able to help us address this important problem.

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Frequently asked questions / Further information