PATHWAY - PrioritisAtion of THose aWaiting hip and knee ArthroplastY

PATHWAY - PrioritisAtion of THose aWaiting hip and knee ArthroplastY

The pathway study is designed to supplement work contained within the original ARCHERY project.

This study sets out to explore patient and surgeon views about prioritisation and use these to guide development of a standardised set of factors that can be included in decision making for surgical priority.

Currently people are prioritised for surgery based primarily on the date they were added to the waiting list, and there is no standardised approach nationally to deciding who should get surgery first outside of emergency indications.

Given the very long waits that people are now experiencing for surgery (more than two years in some situations), it is important that we consider whether some individuals should be prioritised for surgery based on some of their other circumstances (for example quality of life whilst living with arthritis or return to work requirements).

We therefore plan to use specialised online software to explore patient and surgeon views about prioritisation and use these to guide development of a standardised set of factors that can be included in decision making for surgical priority.

What factors are important in determining wait-list priority for those awaiting hip and knee replacement?

For further information (including links to the study registration form), please consult the page on the link below.