Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 7 of 7, 02 - 31 October 2023
Equi-injury project partners workshop in Kigali
Dr Lucia d'Ambruoso contributed to a partners workshop for the NIHR Equi-Injury project in Kigali, Rwanda. The workshop was reported in the University of Global Health Equity (UGHE) October Newsletter.
Insper visitors at ACHDS
This week we had the real pleasure of welcoming Professor André Filipe de M. Batista,Technical Coordinator of the Data Science Centre at Insper in São Paulo Brasil, to the Aberdeen Centre for Health Data Science. During the two-day visit André and his two colleagues, Luciana de Paula Arjona and Suelane Garcia Fontes, presented...
DaSH awarded funding to improve transparency in health data access for research
The Grampian Data Safe Haven (DaSH) team were awarded a grant from Health Data Research UK to improve transparency in health data access processes for research. DaSH will deliver a new website that will improve information for researchers and the public with this funding.
Interdisciplinary Open Sessions Day
The Aberdeen Centre for Health Data Science is an interdisciplinary group of researchers with a range of backgrounds such as health sciences, medicine, sociology, engineering, and computing. Even this diverse group doesn’t often get the chance to attend talks on food anthropology, or art history and glaciology. At the “Interdisciplinary Open...
'Cost of Living, Cost of Smoking' Research in the media
The ‘Cost of Living, Cost of Smoking: Community Intelligence for Public Health’ research project led by Dr Lucia D'ambruoso, funded by ASH Scotland and facilitated by Turning Point Scotland hit the headlines this week. The Press and Journal spoke to Avril Bruce, who took part in the ‘Cost of Living, Cost...
University research empowers local community to shape smoking cessation services
New research led by the University of Aberdeen in collaboration with Turning Point Scotland and NHS Grampian involving people living in areas of multiple deprivation has uncovered powerful community perspectives which could lead to more effective smoking prevention campaigning and higher take-up of NHS free quit smoking services across the...
University of Aberdeen joins the Turing University Network
The University of Aberdeen is one of several UK Universities joining the Turing University Network as it expands its membership.