Dr Aravinda Guntupalli and her research has today been highlighted by the international press.
CORRECTIV Europe, a media house that brings together local journalists across Europe to do cross-border investigations, has published a report (in English and German) after a few months of investigation: Heating cost: "I'm always cold"
47 million people in Europe cannot afford to heat their homes in winter, according to an analysis by CORRECTIV.Europe. Millions are also affected in Germany. Experts warn this may lead to social conflict.
“Many people in Europe now have to decide between eating and heating,” says Global Public Health lecturer Aravinda Guntupalli, whose research at the University of Aberdeen focuses on energy poverty.
The rising cost of living in Europe is one of the biggest concerns of EU voters. “People are frustrated. This can lead to political dissatisfaction, mistrust in political parties and, ultimately, to instability,” says Guntupalli. The cost-of-living crisis has already triggered protests in numerous countries.
The German link is: 5,2 Millionen Menschen in Deutschland können nicht richtig heizen
Following her media interview, Aravinda contributed to a training session for European Journalists interested in the topic to carry out local investigation.
Follow up news articles have been published by the top Catalan newspaper Diari ARA https://www.ara.cat/economia/energia/milio-mig-catalans-pateixen-pobresa-energetica_1_5279045.html and in two articles published in the Portuguese national newspaper, Publico: https://www.publico.pt/2025/02/10/azul/noticia/47-milhoes-europeus-passam-frio-casa-2121822 and https://www.publico.pt/2025/02/10/azul/noticia/razao-viver-casas-frias-faz-tao-mal-saude-2121861
Please get in touch if you would like more information: bhds@abdn.ac.uk