Managing a collaboration with multiple cohorts: Experience with the Parkinson's Incidence Cohorts Collaboration (PICC)

Managing a collaboration with multiple cohorts: Experience with the Parkinson's Incidence Cohorts Collaboration (PICC)

This is a past event

Angus is a neurologist and epidemiologist with a research interest in the epidemiology of Parkinson's disease and other neurological conditions. His main research interests are the prognosis of Parkinson's, developing prognostic models, nutrition in Parkinson's and systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Join us to hear his experience of managing a collaboration using multiple cohorts. 


*This is a hybrid event being held in Room 3.052 in the Polwarth Building and on the teams link below, please feel free to forward this invitation/link to others you think may be interested.  All Welcome.  

**Please note this seminar will be recorded.  

Dr Angus MacLeod
3.052 Polwarth Building

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