Prof Peter Byass

Prof Peter Byass

This is a past event

ACHDS 2020 Seminar Series

Prof Peter Byass, Department of Epidemiology and Global Health, Umea University, Sweden

Measuring global burden of disease: adding value to verbal autopsy

Half of the world's deaths and their causes pass unrecorded by routine registration systems, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Verbal autopsy (VA) collects information on medical signs, symptoms and circumstances from witnesses of a death that is used to assign likely medical causes. This talk will present recent developments in VA methods.

Peter Byass is a specialist in measuring and evaluating health in low- and middle-income countries. Over the last 30 years, Peter has worked on a wide range of population health measurement issues in Africa and Asia. He works closely with the INDEPTH Network and WHO.



Prof Peter Byass
Hosted by
Level 2 Seminar Room Rowett Institute

No booking required